Dragon's Dogma 2 offers a chance to start the game over with your existing hero after you have achieved any of the three endings. If you want to try for a second chance to get a certain side quest right or want to relive your favorite parts of the story, you can choose New Game Plus to do it all again. Considering how easy it is to fail missions in Dragon's Dogma 2 due to the lack of information you have for each quest, it's not a bad idea to run through the game again with a wiser mind.

Not much changes from one playthrough to the other. Monsters and characters spawn in the same place. Enemies have the same level as they did the first time around with no increase in difficulty. All quests start and end in the same locations.
The Dragonforged has some new items for sale and interesting new options in his dialogue. Other merchants in the game also sell higher-level gear. These are the only major differences to the game we could find in Dragon's Dogma 2.
What Items Carry Over With New Game Plus in Dragon's Dogma 2?
As you would expect when you choose New Game Plus, you will return to the beginning of the game, and the storyline is reset. You and your main Pawn will remain at the same level, giving you a boost in Dragon's Dogma 2. You will retain all skills, vocation ranks, and collectibles. You keep your gold, your Seeker's Token progress, and any benefits you may have gained from consuming Golden Trove Beetles.

Here are some additional notes to keep in mind for NG+ in Dragon's Dogma 2:
- You carry everything you own over to your next playthrough except key items. These are the quest-related objects you have picked up.
- Any area on the map that you managed to uncover in your first playthrough will remain visible.
- Any Portcrystals you picked up in your prior playthrough will stay with you. However, Portcrystals will go to storage and you need to place them again to fast travel to them.
- You will have to progress past the introduction to retrieve your items from storage.
- You will need to reassign your skills.
- You will have to activate the Portcrystals in Vernworth and Harve once again.
- All relationships you have built throughout Dragon's Dogma 2 will start afresh.
Is New Game Plus Worth It in Dragon's Dogma 2?
Without a hard mode feature, some fans of the game have questioned whether New Game Plus is worth it in Dragon's Dogma 2. Now Capcom released the patch enabling you to start a new game when you have existing save data, why would you repeat everything with the same character? Wouldn't it make sense to create a new hero and play through everything differently instead?

Keeping all your equipment may be a perk, but what will be the point of completing all the side quests if you already have all the rewards? Some enemies can still hold a challenge, and you might want a second chance to help the locals, but surely it will make the gameplay boring when you are so powerful.
Fans' opinions differ on the concept. Many are calling the New Game Plus system outdated and another excuse to extend playtime without adding new content. Others have said that it will give them the chance to perfect their playthrough, but seem to be getting bored before they complete Dragon's Dogma 2 a second time.

Maybe Capcom will release a higher difficulty for New Game Plus with better rewards but for now, we have no confirmation that this is in development. The choice is simple. You can start a New Game Plus and keep the same character. The other option is creating a new Arisen and playing Dragon's Dogma 2 from the beginning, armed with the knowledge you need.