After completing the Feast of Deception quest, a messenger will approach you in Dragon's Dogma 2 and ask you to visit Sven in his quarters. The problem is that your quest menu will not show this as an active mission until you talk to Sven. There will be no location marked on your map.
There are a few quests like this in Dragon's Dogma 2. You have to figure out what you need to do next without any help from the game. If you're struggling to find Sven or don't know what to do after that, you've come to the right place.
How to Find Sven in Dragon's Dogma 2
Sven is the son of the Queen Regent. While she has many misdeeds to her name, her son is actually a nice guy and helps you repeatedly throughout your playthrough in Dragon's Dogma 2. When you have finished the coronation questline, a messenger called Mosse will come up to you and tell you Sven wants to see you.

Sven is waiting in his quarters in Vernworth Castle. It is best to go looking for him during the day so you don't get any trouble from the guards. Make your way up to the second floor and you will find his room in the northwest corner.
A Veil of Gossamer Clouds Guide for Dragon's Dogma 2
Sven will tell you that he discovered a letter and wants you to investigate. There are a few things you could do next in Dragon's Dogma 2. You can take the letter to Waldhar from the Caged Magistrate and Heel of History quests or Elena from the Saint of the Slums mission.

They will tell you it's a love letter and it is for Lord Phaesus. Our next step is to travel to the Forbidden Magick Research Lab in Battahl. A Veil of Gossamer Clouds is not a timed quest so there is no rush. You will travel to Bakbattahl in the future.
Like the palace in Vernworth, it's best to investigate the lab during the day so the guards don't bother you. In the lower level, you will find a second letter in Labatorium Workshop 2. The room is next to the dead dragon. A cutscene will start when you get close so you can't miss it.

When you have the second letter, deliver it to Sven. He will give you 20,000 gold and a Ferrystone for your trouble. You could use the gold to buy your first house if you haven't already.
That's everything you need to know about the quest A Veil of Gossamer Clouds. Dragon's Dogma 2 has a habit of giving us quests while not telling us what to do. The Spellbound quest and the Jadeite Orb mission are other examples so be sure to check out our guides. I hope this helped.