Dreams Apart is a quest in the Unmoored World. You can only reach this area by achieving the true ending in Dragon’s Dogma 2. When you wake up after your fight with the dragon, you will notice that the world is a little different than before. The water has drained away and new powerful monsters roam free.

You will need to learn about the current state of events and reunite with your Pawn. Your main Pawn has been with you through every step of your journey and now needs you. Completing the Legacy quest and waking up at the Bay Wayside Shrine will automatically add Dreams Apart to your journal in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Where to Find Your Main Pawn in Dreams Apart
Head towards the Forbidden Magick Research Lab in Bakbattahl. Don’t engage any enemies you find along the way because you won’t have your trusted sidekick with you. Do not underestimate the enemies in the Unmoored World. They are more powerful now.

Head to the second floor of the research lab and find Lord Phaesus’s quarters. Start a conversation with Phaesus to learn a little about the Unmoored World. Months have passed and the people have no idea what is happening. Dragons have attacked and destroyed Melve. It’s only a matter of time before destruction takes over everywhere else in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Ask Phaesus about your pawn to progress Dreams Apart in Dragon's Dogma 2. He will explain that he found your Pawn unconscious and hasn’t been able to wake them up since. You are their master so you should have better luck. Phaesus will take some time trying to learn about your adventures but will eventually reunite you with your Pawn.

This will end the Dreams Apart quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You will receive 15,000 XP, 30,000 gold, and 1000 RC for your effort.
That's everything you need to know about the Dreams Apart Quest. Now you have your pawn by your side you can tackle the Unmoored World properly. Head to the Seafloor Shrine to begin the Halls of the First Dawn quest.