The Mercy Among Thieves mission is the first in a short questline in Dragon’s Dogma 2. You will meet some characters in the Battahl Guard and Coral Snakes, a group of thieves who plague the locals.
You will be taking the fight to the bandits as they have been raiding the trade routes and causing issues along the roads. To start this quest, you first have to gain access to Battahl. If you don’t know how to do so yet, continue the main story.
Where to Start Mercy Among Thieves in Dragon’s Dogma 2
To start the Mercy Among Thieves quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2, travel to the Checkpoint Rest Town and find Lyssandro. He is a human wearing a white robe. You can spot him waiting near a stable down the road from the oxcart station.

He will tell you about the problems with the trade routes and ask you to help. The Coral Snakes have been attacking oxcarts and Lyssandro will suggest you question the locals to figure out where their hideout is.
Mercy Among Thieves Hideout Location in Dragon's Dogma 2
Your first step should be visiting the boy called Toumi. He is usually standing next to a blue tent near the inn. He will beg for some food. Give him something to eat and a young man named Hugo will appear.

Hugo will accuse you of threatening or hurting Toumi. The boy will explain that is not the case causing Hugo to apologize and leave. This might not have a large impact on the quest but it does show what kind of person Hugo is in Dragon's Dogma 2.
Head south along the main road and Seferinno will come running over. He will tell you the location of the Coral Snakes’ hideout. The map in Dragon’s Dogma 2 will now show you where to go.
You will encounter some bandits along the way as you travel south and after dealing with them, you should meet Hayne. He will give you more information and you can follow his directions. Along the way, you will meet Benjamin, a Battahl guard, who will lead you further into the canyon.

Keep up with him and you will soon see Hugo again. He will run away, leading you the rest of the way to the hideout. Follow him until you come to the end of the path where he is arguing with two other bandits.
Hugo will run away again and you will need to kill the bandits to proceed. There is a prompt to revive them but they will continue to attack you so there is no point wasting a Wakestone. Chase after Hugo through the hideout but try not to get mobbed by bandits. Slow down and fight them in small groups. There is only one way out of the canyon so you will not lose track of Hugo.

At the end of the path, a cutscene will start. Lanzo will leave Hugo behind to give himself time to escape. Benjamin and his guards will take Hugo to gaol, ending the side quest. You will receive 4000 XP and 8000 gold for your trouble.
Head back inside to check for any chests you might have missed and celebrate another job well done. The adventure doesn’t end for Hugo just yet. You can continue his story in the quest Off the Pilfered Path.