The Regentkin's Resolve is one of the five evacuation quests in Dragon's Dogma 2. These missions are only available when you achieve the true ending and enter the Unmoored World. Before you can travel to Vernworth to help the locals, you will need to talk to King Rothais and learn the state of Vermund and Battahl.

In the Regentkin's Resolve, you will be trying to convince the rulers of Vernworth to move all the civilians to the Seafloor Shrine. Destruction is coming and it's your job to save as many as you can. This quest is time-sensitive so do not delay. If you rest for a few days, the settlements of Battahl and Vermund will be no more.
Where to Start the Regentkin's Resolve in Dragon's Dogma 2

You can start the Regentkin's Resolve like many quests in Vernworth, by finding Captain Brant in the Stardrop Inn. He will catch you up on recent news. The most important thing is that Sven is the new ruler of Vermund. Brant will suggest that you go to the castle and visit him.
Head straight to Sven's quarters and tell him the plan to evacuate the civilians. Sven will say it is a sound plan but needs two things from the Arisen before he can agree.
- You will need to procure enough oxcarts to help everyone leave.
- Convince his mother, Disa, to agree with the plan.
Where to Find Oxcarts for the Regentkin's Resolve in Dragon's Dogma 2
To find enough oxcarts to evacuate everyone in the Regentkin's Resolve, head to the oxcart station at Vernworth's west gate. A merchant has bought them all to transport his wealth. He will refuse to let you use them and the only option you have is to unsheath your weapons to scare him.

He might need a little bit of force to convince him, so grab him and pin him to the floor. He will run off in terror, leaving you with a fleet of oxcarts. Go back to the castle to convince Disa to leave with her son.
How to Convince Disa in the Regentkin's Resolve in Dragon's Dogma 2
This part of the Regentkin's Resolve is a little more difficult to figure out because Disa will not want to talk to you when you enter her quarters. You won't be able to convince her of anything so grab the Ornate Box from behind her. It will be glowing so you can't miss it. Take it to Sven and watch as he finds a letter inside.
He will go straight to his mother, leaving the letter on the desk for you to see what it says. Follow Sven and watch him reconcile with Disa. They will now agree to evacuate the city and the quest ends.

If for some reason the Ornate Box doesn't appear, you can pick Disa up and carry her to Sven. She will fight back and try to run away. Just grab her again and ignore her shouting. The same result will occur when you unite the two. You will receive 20,000 XP, 25,000 gold, and 35 Wyrmslife Crystals for your effort.
That's everything you need to know about the Regentkin's Resolve. I hope this helps. You don't have time to celebrate. Head to the next settlement and help save as many as you can.