Wandering Roots is one of the five evacuation quests in Dragon's Dogma 2. You will have to reach the Unmoored World before you have access to this mission. After talking to King Rothais and learning the state of Vermund and Battahl, you will need to convince all civilians to escape the coming destruction.

The only safe place left is the Seafloor Shrine but not everyone wants to leave their lives behind. You will need to head to the Sacred Arbor and persuade the elves to evacuate. Completing this quest will end all other missions in the area so if you have something you want to do, now is the time.
Where to Start Wandering Roots in Dragon's Dogma 2
Make sure that one of your Pawns has the Woodland Wordsmith Specialization otherwise you won't be able to understand the elves. There is a Riftstone nearby if you need to hire one. Head to the Sacred Arbor and you will see Glyndwr at the gate. Tell him about the evacuation plan and he will lead you to their leader, his father Taliesin.

Taliesin will not want to leave but will agree if you prove the Arborheart can grow on the seafloor in Dragon's Dogma 2. He will give you a cutting and send you off to try it out. Return to the Seafloor Shrine and head to the location marked on your map. You can use a Ferrystone to fast travel.
Interact with the plot of the soil to plant the cutting and witness the roots take hold. You can now return to the Sacred Arbor and tell Taliesin the news. Now that his people's Arborheart can grow elsewhere he will agree to evacuate. This will end the Wandering Roots quest. You will receive 20,000 XP, 25,000 gold, and 30 Wyrmslife Crystals for your effort.

Some players have reported that this solution will only work if you have already completed the Ailing Arborheart and Out of the Forest, Into the Forge quests. If you haven't managed to finish these missions, you will need to talk to Taliesin for a few days before he relents.
Interact with the elven chieftain and then rest. You can also evacuate the other settlements instead of resting because time is of the essence in these quests. Repeat this process and Taliesin will eventually admit defeat and evacuate. You will receive the same rewards.

That's everything you need to know about the Wandering Roots quest in Dragon's Dogma 2. I hope this helps. You have no time to enjoy your victory. Head out and save another settlement before everyone dies.