The Importance of Aiding Ernesto is one of the five evacuation quests in Dragon’s Dogma 2. These missions are only available after you achieve the true ending and have access to the Unmoored World. In this quest, you will head to the Volcanic Island Camp and try to convince the people to leave.

The only safe place left in the world is the Seafloor Shrine and it’s your job to make sure everyone can leave their homes safely. Ernesto is doing his best to protect the people in his care but some stubborn members of the community are giving him trouble. As the Arisen, you have to do what you can to help.
Where to Start the Importance of Aiding Ernesto in Dragon's Dogma 2
Head to the Volcanic Island Camp and talk to Ernesto. He will immediately agree to your plan but will need some help getting Gautstafr and Cliodhna to join him. You will recognize the couple if you have completed the Put a Spring in Thy Step quest in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Along the way to their house, be sure to clear the path of monsters. You will need a safe journey back. Cliodhna will require a little convincing to leave but with some help from her husband, she will agree. Gautstafr is old and will need some help walking. Picking him up is the fastest way back to the camp if you are able. If you cleared the path properly, you will have no issues as you return to Ernesto.
When you find Ernesto, he will be in the middle of a conversation with Lamond. You should also recognize Lamond because he is the Wayfarer Vocation Maister. Ernesto will ask you to persuade him to leave with everyone else.

You can catch up with Lamond along the path to the Geyser Hamlet. When you reach him, you will have a few options in the conversation. The only choice we find that will guarantee his cooperation is to ask him to help guard Gautstafr and Cliodhna. He will agree to this and all you have to do is return to Ernesto with the good news to complete the quest.
You will receive 20,000 XP, 15,000 Gold, and 40 Wyrmslife Crystals for your help. That is everything you need to know about the Importance of Aiding Ernesto quest. The next step is to make your way to the next settlement to help with the evacuation before the world ends.