Dragon's Dogma 2 has finally arrived, and even though the original remains a niche cult classic, the sequel has knocked it out of the park in terms of popularity. Never have I imagined seeing this many people excited about a new Dragon's Dogma, especially since the game is not really tailored towards a mainstream audience. The original was filled with janky and weird mechanics, a lack of direction in terms of exploration, and a very atypical class system. One of the very first choices you are going to make in the sequel is deciding on your class (vocation) with 10 different options being available in the game.
All of these Vocations have certain weapons they are required to use, which will decide their move set and abilities. Since one of the best ways to judge what kind of character you want to play is based on this information, in this article, we are going to give you the full list of Vocations, as well as the weapon types they are going to be able to use.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Weapon Types For Every Class (Vocation)
Dragon's Dogma 2 features 10 different Vocations that the player can choose from, some of which you can select at the start of the game, while others will have to be unlocked during the story. All of these Vocations have certain weapon types that only they can use, which might feel restrictive, but the game does allow you to freely swap between the different classes. Some Vocations have a bit more variety, allowing you to use two different weapon types, with the Warrior having the option to use all of them. Here is the full list of Vocations and the weapon types they are restricted to:
Class (Vocation) | Type | Available Weapons |
![]() Fighter |
Starter Vocation | Swords & Shields |
![]() Mage |
Starter Vocation | Staves |
![]() Thief |
Starter Vocation | Daggers |
![]() Archer |
Starter Vocation | Bows |
![]() Warrior |
Advanced Vocation | Greatswords & Hammers |
![]() Sorcerer |
Advanced Vocation | Large Staves |
![]() Magick Archer |
Hybrid Vocation | Magick Bows |
![]() Mystic Spearhand |
Hybrid Vocation | Spears |
![]() Trickster |
Hybrid Vocation | Censers |
![]() Warfarer |
Hybrid Vocation | Every Weapon Type |
That concludes our list of Vocations and the weapon types that are exclusive to them. Even if you pick a Vocation that is not up your alley, don't be afraid as the game allows you to switch between them on a whim. If you are interested in more Dragon's Dogma 2 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!