Everyone can learn Incantations or Sorceries in Elden Ring, regardless of their starting class. The only limitation is that if you want to learn more than two spells you will need to find Memory Stones. Finding these hidden items will unlock memory slots.
There are eight Memory Stones hidden within the Lands Between. Some are easy to find while others are slightly more tricky. Here we will go through the locations of the Stones and what you will need to do to get them.
You can find two of the eight Memory Stones by killing bosses in Elden Ring. You can purchase one and discover the other five scattered across the Lands Between.
Elden Ring: Memory Stone at Roundtable Hold
We will start with the easiest Memory Stone to find in Elden Ring. While you will have had to kill Godrick the Grafted, you can simply buy the Memory Stone from the Twin Maiden Husks. This will be a one-time purchase and costs 3000 runes.

If you are struggling to find the Maidens, head to the Hold, and go through the door to the north. On the right, the Twin Maiden Husks will be in a small alcove, lit by some candles.
Elden Ring: Memory Stone at Oridys's Rise
The next is located at the top of Oridys's Rise. This is the first Memory Stone tower accessible as it is found in the south of the starting area of Limgrave. A group of wolves prowl near the entrance, deal with them and head inside.

A sigil protects the tower and you cannot enter the main door. Interact with the imp statue by the stairs to start the mini-quest. You will have to seek out three wise beasts to continue. While this instruction is vague, it is simple.
Nearby you will find three ghost turtles. Kill them and the door will open.
- The first can be found near where you killed the wolves.
- The second is next to the steps on the left side of the tower.
- The third turtle is harder to find because it's invisible but it stands in the middle of the pond on the right side of the tower.
Climb the tower when the seal is broken and inside the treasure chest, you will find the Memory Stone.
Elden Ring: Memory Stone at the Converted Tower
You can find the next Stone in South-West Liurnia. This is a simple challenge. It will seem like you cannot access the tower because there are no ghost turtles or any way to the top, but all you have to do is climb the rubble to the right and jump onto the roof. From there you drop down onto the stairs and continue to the chest.

Elden Ring: Memory Stone at Testu's Rise
This tower in Elden Ring is similar to Oridys's Rise and stands just north of the Raya Lucaria Academy. Here you will have to find and kill three turtles as well. Don't forget to interact with the statue to cause the ghosts to spawn.

- The first turtle is left of the tower, by some rocks.
- The second is hiding behind the tower, climbing a tree. It will be harder to spot but it does glow so it's not overly difficult.
- The third is due east from the tower's entrance. Be careful because it is hiding at the foot of the cliff, so don't fall.
Now climb the tower and get the Memory Stone.
Elden Ring: Memory Stone at Seluvis's Rise
You will find the next Memory Stone north of Liurnia, behind Caria Manor. Clear the manor, killing Royal Knight Loretta to proceed. This area will contain three towers, Ranni's Rise, Renna's Rise, and Seluvis's Rise.

Head to Ranni's Rise and talk to Ranni. She will ask for your help and then introduce you to her other followers. As soon as you agree to serve her, you can head to Seluvis's Rise and climb to the top. Here you will find the next Memory Stone.
Elden Ring: Memory Stone at Lenne's Rise
On the eastern side of Caelid, you will find Lenne's Rise and the Memory Stone is at the top like before. A magic barrier blocks the entrance but by using the nearby Spiritspring you can get to the roof. From there, drop down onto the balcony and get inside.

You'll find the Memory Stone at the top and have another spell slot available.
Elden Ring: Memory Stones Obtained from Boss Fights
The last two Memory Stones can only be obtained by killing bosses. These are both difficult fights and are optional bosses so you will need to search them out to take the Stones from them.
The first is in Raya Lucaria Academy. As you progress through the Academy you will come up against Red Wolf of Radagon. Kill him and take the Stone.

You will find the second on Mt. Gelmir. In Hermit's Village, you will find Demi-Human Queen Maggie. With her death, you will gain another memory slot.

That's all the Memory Stone locations in Elden Ring. Some are easier to find than others. The bosses are a challenge but overall, the main difficulty is knowing where to find them all. You don't have to manually equip the Stones when you have found them; they automatically become additional memory slots for your Incantations and Sorceries.