In this guide, we will provide you with an optimal boss order for you to try in your next Elden Ring playthroughs so you can get as strong as fast, and as efficiently as possible.
Although your playthrough might vary depending on the character you create, ultimately, this should serve as a general idea of which bosses are important so you can progress in the game and gain access to powerful tools to help you on your path.
Best Boss Order for Elden Ring
This order should serve you well when trying to progress further into Elden Ring as some bosses can be rather tricky or not useful to defeat.
Margit & Godrick

At the beginning of your playthrough, you will have to face two rather easily to defeat bosses. Both Margit and Godrick offer a challenge to new players wishing to learn the mechanics of Elden Ring, however, they should fall swiftly once you have learned their attacks.
Rennala & Loretta

These two bosses will help you a lot throughout your playthrough as you seek to become stronger and make use of better runes and remembrances to further advance into the game.

This boss will undoubtedly prove to be a challenge to any player, whether veteran or beginner but once you have figured out the best strategy to defeat him, you will be able to further accelerate your playthrough by getting access to even more powerful great runes.
Regal Ancestral Spirit

Another step in the right direction to further power up your character.

From this point on, you will be looking to maximize your stats according to your build as the bosses will only be getting even stronger as the remembrances and great runes will come in handy to further increase your damage.
Golden Godfrey & Morgott

Both of these encounters are essential to your progression both from a lore perspective and also as a means to become stronger.

This boss shouldn't be that much of a challenge at this stage of the game, however, the greater rune and remembrance are not to be missed out on.

Rykard can come as a rather gimmicky boss, however, the encounter itself is worthwhile to aid you on your quest to become the Elden Lord.

If you are craving a true Soulsborne experience, then look no further as Niall packs quite a punch as the encounter itself may make you ragequit after several failed attempts.
Fire Giant

This menacing giant has a weakness you can exploit as you can target his left foot during the first phase to defeat him much faster.
Godskin Duo

This duo can be quite devastating, although the fight itself is very rewarding as most players might struggle to adapt to handling two separate enemies at once. Utilizing Summons and Sleep Pots will work wonders if you find yourself unable to advance further.

The encounter itself can be quite menacing to go through as not only is it rather difficult to reach the boss itself, but the arena makes you feel inferior to what Placidusax can unleash upon your unsuspecting soul.

This boss is interesting as the two phases are unique and offer different sets of challenges for you to withstand. Be wary of the second form as many players have underestimated just how precisely and destructively he attacks once aggravated.

You can take advantage of this encounter as the first time you challenge Gideon, his long-winded speech leaves him vulnerable to being attacked so make the most out of it if you want to quickly defeat him.

What's interesting about this boss is that if you use the Purifying Crystal Tear in your Flask of Wondrous Physick and drink it before the second phase begins, you be invulnerable during Mohg’s Blood Curse.

You are almost at the finish line in terms of bosses, and these encounters do not allow you to make even the slightest of mistakes. You will have to prepare for this especially, as Godfrey is one of the most difficult fights in all of Elden Ring.

Speaking of difficulty, Malenia is a fan-favorite among players in terms of not only sheer power but also the complexity of her attack patterns and overall mechanics that will surely keep you at the edge of your seat at all times. You can try and deal as much fire damage as you can as that is an effective way of handling this fight.

As the penultimate boss in Elden Ring, Radagon is a fierce warrior who can easily obliterate any unsuspecting player trying to defeat him. Make sure that you have maxed out your stats as much as possible as an even greater foe will await you in your final battle.
Elden Beast

Your best bet will be to go for physical damage as the high level of resistance makes it almost impossible to damage him besides attacking him head-on. Without being able to apply status effects, you will have to rely on your weapon to deal the most damage possible as this tough encounter will surely leave you raging at the smallest mistake you make.

All in all, there is no definite way to play Elden Ring. This guide should help you out when trying to go for a full clear on your second try or if you are still learning how to play Elden Ring and want to get a better understanding of how you can progress in the game and which bosses are crucial so you can advance and hone your skills and powers in-game.
The great joy that comes from playing soulslike games is that you have the freedom to try out different builds, explore new areas you have never reached before, and create your own challenges as the replayability of Elden Ring makes up for its very difficult and unforgiving boss fights.