The Dung Eater is one of the most intriguing non-playable characters (NPCs) that players will encounter during their journey through the Lands Between in Elden Ring. This guide will walk you through the complete Dung Eater questline, including where to find him, how to progress his quest, and how to unlock the unique Blessing of Despair ending.
Table of Contents
Finding the Dung Eater

The Dung Eater first appears at the Roundtable Hold, but only after you have reached Leyndell, the Royal Capital. A room next to the Twin Maiden Husks will open, revealing the red apparition of the Dung Eater.
However, he will simply tell you to leave him alone unless you possess a Seedbed Curse.
Obtaining the Sewer-Gaol Key

To progress the Dung Eater's quest, you must deliver your first Seedbed Curse to him. In return, he will provide you with a Sewer-Gaol Key, which can unlock the sewer beneath Leyndell, the Royal Capital.
Locating the Sewer-Gaol

Head north from the Lower Capital Church, near the destroyed part of the city beyond the wings of the dragon. There, you will find a well that you can drop down into.
Unlock the cell near the ladder using the Sewer-Gaol Key, then follow the path through the rat-infested rooms until you reach a giant hand that appears from the ground.
Run to the cell on the right and open it with the key to find the Dung Eater's corporeal form.
Confronting the Dung Eater

Speak with the Dung Eater, and he will ask who you are.
- Choose the option "Leave your gaol!" He will then vanish, leaving a message instructing you to come to the outer moat.
- This area is a small body of water northwest of the Capital Rampart Site of Grace.
Upon entering the water, you will be invaded by the Dung Eater. Defeat him, and he will drop the Sword of Milos.
Gathering Seedbed Curses

Return to the Roundtable Hold, where the Dung Eater will be waiting. He will ask you to defile his flesh with Seedbed Curses, which you must collect and deliver to him.
Here are the locations where you can find Seedbed Curses:
1. Leyndell, Royal Capital

When you first enter Leyndell from the East Capital Rampart, you'll come to a room with a lift on the right side. Take that lift down into the next area.
Go through the doorway and enter the room with the Perfumer enemy. In this room, climb up the ladder leading to an upper level.
Continue climbing ladders up to the very top where you'll find a corpse sitting in a chair - this corpse has the first Seedbed Curse you need.
2. Blackguard at the Outer Moat

If you've started Rya's questline and encountered the Blackguard at the Boilprawn Shack in Liurnia, he will eventually move to the Outer Moat area near Leyndell later.
Talk to him here and he'll warn you about the Dung Eater. Leave the area and return, and you'll find the Blackguard dying. Loot his corpse to get a Seedbed Curse. The Dung Eater will also invade you here.
3. Fortified Manor, Leyndell, Royal Capital

Inside the Fortified Manor in Leyndell, you'll find a room laid out just like the one the Dung Eater appears in at the Roundtable Hold.
To reach it, exit the manor and go right, using the wooden shacks to climb up to the second floor. This will bring you to a replica Roundtable area.
Find the room matching where Dung Eater was, and a corpse here has a Seedbed Curse.
4. Volcano Manor Corpse

From the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace, defeat the Godskin Noble and take the lift up to the second-floor balcony. Follow it around and drop down onto a ledge near the lava.
Go through the doorway into a jail cell area by dropping down from some crates. You'll need two Stonesword Keys to unlock an Imp Statue Seal door.
Inside this room is a corpse in a chair holding a Seedbed Curse.
5. Miquella's Haligtree Corpse 1

At the Prayer Room Site of Grace, go northeast until you reach stairs going up and down. Take the downstairs and jump onto the slanted archway to the right of an enemy balcony.
Jump over to the next archway leading left and go up that path to the end to find the corpse.
6. Miquella's Haligtree Corpse 2

Again from Prayer Room, go northeast and downstairs until the room with two knights. Don't enter, but jump off the ledge near the first slanted archway you used before.
Drop onto the roof below and enter the doorway, going downstairs. In the northeast corner at the end of this area is another corpse with a Seedbed Curse.
The Blessing of Despair Ending

After delivering five Seedbed Curses to the Dung Eater, he will provide you with the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse. Use this item after defeating the final boss to unlock the Blessing of Despair ending, one of the additional endings available in Elden Ring.
By following this guide, you will complete the Dung Eater questline, uncover all the necessary Seedbed Curses, and ultimately witness the haunting Blessing of Despair ending in Elden Ring.