In the mysterious world of Elden Ring, players are always looking for new ways to make combat even more exciting. The game's latest expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree, brings exciting new features and challenges. One of the most notable additions is the introduction of 24 new Ashes of War.
- In Elden Ring, Ashes of War are special skills that can be added to your weapons and shields, giving you new and powerful options in battle.
In this guide, we will look at all 24 new Ashes of War in the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. We will explain what each one does and where you can find them. Stay tuned!
All New Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree Runes

Name & Availability |
Skill |
Location |
Ash of War: Dryleaf Whirlwind Usable on Hand-to-Hand Arts |
Rise into the air with a series of spinning kicks before crashing down with one final strike. Imbues kicking attacks with energy, increasing their range. |
Found on the edge, beside a column, and near a waterfall, close to Miquella's cross in the area where you find Devonia |
Ash of War: Palm Blast Usable on Hand-to-Hand Arts |
Imbues hand with energy before using a palm strike to unleash an explosive blast. The already formidable power and impact can be bolstered by charging the attack | Found at the Moorth Ruins Site of Grace. Use the "May The Best Win" emote in front of the DryLeaf Dane Monk, which will begin a battle. By winning you will get the Ash of War. |
Ash of War: Aspects of the Crucible: Wings Usable on all Swords and Polearms capable of Thrusting (Except Colossal Weapons) |
Grow a golden pair of wings and take to the air before diving down at the foe, weapon first. A spinning attack is performed when wielding a twin blade. | Found at Fort of Reprimand. Black Knight Edreed drops this Ash of War upon defeat. |
Ash of War: Spinning Gravity Thrust Usable on Large and Colossal Sword |
Uses gravitational power to hang in the air before rotating the body and charging forward. An additional input allows for a follow-up attack. | This ash is equipped with the Sword lance, one of the rewards when trading Remembrance of the Wild Boar Rider with Enia at the Roundtable Hold. |
Ash of War: Piercing Throw Usable on Throwing Blades |
Throw armament with a powerful spin, causing it to bore through foes. When using this skill, the armament can be thrown further than normal and also pierce through enemies | It can be found in the South of the Messmer soldier encampment, east of Giant Crayfish. Locate the group of Demi-Humans on a crumbled column. Between them, there is a scarab that needs to be defeated. |
Ash of War: Scattershot Throw Usable on Throwing Blades |
Employ smithing arts to conjure multiple copies of the armament in both hands and throw them all at once. Follow up with an additional input to throw again | This ash can be found by killing a scarab south of Taylew's Ruined Forge entrance, near a bridge. It's hanging high on a pillar with mobs protecting it. |
Ash of War: Wall of Sparks Usable on Perfume Bottles |
Scatter perfumed powder in the vicinity, producing intense sparks after a brief delay. Can be charged to increase power and range. The properties of the sparks are determined by the perfume bottle used | Head to the Shadow Keep and take the left lift down from the Storehouse to the first-floor site of Grace. Take the first exit to the right, and then the first one to the left. The ash will be on a corpse sitting on the rails. |
Ash of War: Rolling Sparks Usable on Perfume Bottles |
Scatter perfumed powder before you, triggering rolling explosions of deadly sparks. The properties of the sparks are determined by the perfume bottle used. | Locate the camp to the southeast of Shadow Keep. There will be three perfumers, and a scarab is flying in the air in the direction of the main camp. |
Ash of War: Raging Beast Usable on Beast Claws |
Pounce like a beast to viciously slash into foe with left and right claws. | From the Three-Path Cross site of grace, stick to the wall on the left side, and follow the path north. You will run into a camp where you can find the Ash of War. |
Ash of War: Blind Spot Usable on Backhand Blades |
Leap into close quarters to take advantage of the enemy's blind spot and gore them from the side. Inputs determine which side you strike from. This attack slips below the opponent's guard. | Comes equipped with the Backhand blades found beside a coffin, in the Inquisitor enemies area of Gravesite Plain. |
Ash of War: Swift Slash Usable on Backhand Blades |
Take a swift forward step to slice through foes. This sharp strike also fires off a shearing vacuum. Can be charged to increase the skill's power and the distance of the forward step | This ash is the reward for siding with Hornsent during his fight with Leda at Shadowkeep. |
Ash of War: Overhead Stance Usable on Great Katanas |
Execute a normal attack from this stance to step forward and slash downwards, or a strong attack to deliver a series of downward slashes. | This ash of war comes equipped with the Great katana found next to the sleeping Ghostflame Dragon on the lake, west of the Abandoned Ailing Village site of grace. |
Ash of War: Wing Stance Usable on Light Greatswords |
Normal attack triggers a rapid three-slash combination. Strong attack triggers a leaping thrust. | Found inside a chest in the tower that you can reach by jumping over the edge outside Castle Lord's Chamber Site of Grace, and following the cliffside down to the tower before climbing up two ladders to reach it. |
Ash of War: Blinkbolt Usable on all Melee Armaments |
From a low stance, the body is transformed into a bolt of lightning and charges straight ahead at fulgurous speed. Strong attack performs a lightning-charged leaping slash. | Found in a chest within the Fog Rift Catacombs. In the room of the third spike dropper with a sorcerer sniping from the back, stand where the sorcerer you defeated was and bait the spike trap down to jump into a notch. Ride the notch up to a room with a chest that holds the ash of war. |
Ash of War: Flame Skewer Usable on medium and large armaments capable of thrusting |
Cover the armament in flame and assume a low stance before skewering the enemy in a single motion. Strong attack unleashes a follow-up flame attack. | Get this ash as a drop upon defeating the NPC Invader Fire Knight Queelign. |
Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw Usable on Swords, Axes, and Hammers. (small armaments and thrusting swords excepted) |
Somersault forwards, striking foes with armament. An additional strike may be performed with additional input. | From the Three-Path Cross site of grace, stick to the wall on the left side, and follow the path north. You will eventually come across a small camp where you can find the Ash of War. |
Ash of War: Divine Beast Frost Stomp Usable on all melee weapons |
Lift a leg up high and stamp it down with great force. Sends a powerful wave of frost straight out along the ground. Can be charged to increase power and range | Get this ash by trading Remembrance of the Dancing Lion with Enia at Roundtable Hold. |
Ash of War: Flame Spear Usable on armaments capable of thrusting (claws and backhand blades excepted) |
Ready weapon for a thrusting attack and unleash a spear of flame straight ahead. Charge the attack to increase the damage dealt and distance traveled. | Found on the 6th floor of Shadow Keep. Climb the statues once you've used the lever to move them. Head outside, turn right, and head up the stairs, turn left to find a Fire Knight at the end of the bridge and defeat them. |
Ash of War: Carian Sovereignty Usable on swords (colossal weapons excepted) |
Transform the blade into a magical greatsword and bring it down. Additional input follows up with a horizontal sweep. Charge either attack to enhance potency. | Acquired from a teardrop scarab inside a cave southwest of the Cathedral of Manus Metyr filled with glintslab fireflies. The scarab is located on the ceiling of the cave. |
Ash of War: Shriek of Sorrow Usable on all melee armaments |
Scream, causing nearby enemies to flinch, while also recalling deep-seated resentment, boosting attack power based on the amount of HP remaining. The lower the HP, the greater the effect. | Can be found in the main Plaza where Fire Knight Queelign invades you, behind the great tree located in the middle. |
Ash of War: Ghostflame Call Usable on swords and spears (small armaments, twin blades, and backhand blades excepted) |
Thrust out armament to summon ghostflame. Follow up with a normal attack to set the ground ablaze with ghostflame, or a strong attack to trigger a massive explosion. | Dropped by the Death Rite Bird. |
Ash of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice Usable on all Melee Armaments |
Conjures stingers of scarlet rot from below to stab the enemy. Landing a follow-up attack on a foe already inflicted with poison or rot deals massive damage in one fell swoop. | Dropped by a Teardrop Scarab, found north from the shadowpothead. It is on the other side of the river. |
Ash of War: Igon's Drake Hunt Usable on Greatbows |
Ready the bow before unleashing a twisted shot with a great bellow that considerably enhances its power. | Found on Igon's Greatbow after killing Igon in eastern Gravesite Plain |
Ash of War: Shield Strike Usable on all Shields |
A skill that uses the shield to attack. Repeated inputs allow for up to three follow-up attacks. | Location not found yet |
And there you have it - all 24 SotE Ashes of War and where you can find them in Elden Ring. Check out the rest of our content!