While all bases in Enshrouded should functionally do the same job, you'll be spending a ton of time in your base, so, you might as well make it pretty! Everyone's home should be whatever they find cozy and practical. Here are our top 5 picks for the most creative house ideas we've seen so far in Enshrouded Early Access to get your creative juices flowing!
Enshrouded: Farm House

Let's start simple. A relaxing farmstead can be the perfect retreat after a long day in the Shroud. However, the beauty of a farmhouse build is that it doesn't have to be a log cabin. How about feudal castle ramparts protecting the fields? How about a wizard tower surrounded by well-tilled fields?
Enshrouded: Underground House

Embrace your inner dwarf with an underground home made of stairwells and pillars cut into the rock. You can even use Luminescent Blocks when accenting your home and stairways for cool lighting in the darkness.
Enshrouded: Hobbit Hole House

Not a fan of the deep dark? Digging a hobbit hole has all the cozy benefits of a cave house with twice the charm. Just be sure to dig deep enough to make room for your NPCs in there, or dig them a few hobbit holes of their own!
Enshrouded: Cliff Side House

Working our way up from the underground, why not find a sheer cliff face and dig a home in there? You'll never fret about insulation again! You could even have snaking stairways that make their way up the cliff face before finally arriving at your door. Add a balcony up there with a great view and you've got yourself a truly unique base.
Enshrouded: Mansion House

Building a typical mansion is all well and good, however, the build pictured above makes the effort to construct work sheds on either side of the base. Not only does this use symmetry to make a decent home look beautiful, but it also gives you a handy spot to house your NPCs. Because who wants a bunch of strangers squatting in your living room anyway?
For more Enshrouded guides, check out a few articles for the list below!
- All Legendary Weapons List
- How to Get Sparks in Enshrouded
- All NPC Unlock Locations
- How to Get Fired Brick