Enshrouded can favor ranged builds due to the high amount of flying enemies later in the games so Beastmasters can be a somewhat viable option. This build mainly revolves around the Vukah (wolves) and Shroud exploration.
Some players have already deemed the Beastmaster skills to be underwhelming in comparison to the other classes but you can still gain some helpful tools to help you explore the vast realm of Embervale.
Enshrouded Beastmaster Gameplay

This build favors Shroud exploration as well as using wild animals in the game to help you defeat your enemies. The Beastmaster helps players wishing to go for a ranged build as your ranged weapons gain some useful stat increases.
Some of the weaknesses of Beastmasters stem from their environmental dependability as not all zones will have wild animals to come to your side once you are attacked by enemies. But if you favor an open-world combat playstyle then this is the build for you.
Enshrouded Beastmaster: Best Stats
You will primarily benefit from Dexterity as you will be utilizing bows as a source of damage whilst keeping your distance from enemies. Constitution will help you survive for longer as Intelligence enhances your damage and health regeneration later in the game.
- Endurance / Dexterity
- Intelligence
- Constitution
- Strength
- Spirit
Enshrouded: Best Beastmaster Gear

In this build, you will be primarily using your bow as a source of damage and while you can rely on your trusted sword and shield combo, you can also opt for an axe or another heavy weapon as well.
- Bows (Shadowbane is an excellent choice should you come across it)
- Axes
- Swords
- Staves
- Helmet: Ranged Critical Strike Chance and Critical Strike Damage
- Chest: Health and Stamina
- Pants: Stamina and Sprint Speed
- Boots: Health and Stamina Regeneration
- Gloves: Ranged Damage and Bow Multiplier Damage
Enshrouded: Best Beastmaster Spells
You will also need to have some spells handy should you go out exploring the Shroud. Spells can dish out a lot of damage, so you can weaken your enemies and finish them off with a bow or let the wild animals clean up.
- Fire Ball
- Heal Channel
- Acid Bite
- Ice Bolt
- Light Burst
- Meteor
- Lightning Channel
Enshrouded: Best Beastmaster Skill Build
You will have to go for a mix of several classes to ensure that you survive most of your encounters.
- Endurance
- Runner
- Double Jump
- Endurance
- Wanderlust
- Endurance
- Inner Fires
- Eagle Eye
- Calm Spirit
- Dexterity
- Vukah Language
- Beast Master
- Vukah Culture
- Endurance Of The Flame
- Marksman
- Sharpshooter
- Multi-Shot
- Dexterity
- Sniper
- Blessed Arrows
- Shell Shock
- Ricochet
- Chain Reaction
- Spirit
- Counterstrike
- Intelligence
- Blink
- Emergency Blink
- Healer
- Healer II
- Intelligence
- Water Aura
And that wraps it up for this Enshrouded Beastmaster guide. Although you will not entirely rely on wild animals being your main source of damage, you can still benefit from open-world combat and ensure that you are not outnumbered.
Make sure to experiment and try out different skills to see what fits your exact playstyle and remember to have fun!