If you are finding yourself wondering how to craft a Glider in Enshrouded, then we've got you covered.
Enshrouded is an upcoming co-op survival action RPG game that will be available for Early Access on January 24th, 2024. You will be able to play with up to 16 players as the great graphics and interesting gameplay might result in a huge following upon its full launch.
With that being said, we will be showing you how you can craft a Glider in Enshrouded so you can traverse the vast landscape of Embervale as you continue on your journey of exploring this realm holding many secrets yet to be discovered.

How to Craft a Glider in Enshrouded
To craft a Glider, you will need the following resources:
- 8x Shroud Wood
- 2x Animal Fur
- 2x String
- 2x Shroud Spores

You will need to use a Workbench to craft a Glider. Workbenches are available at the Blacksmith NPC. Once you have crafted a Glider, make sure to equip and once you approach a ledge, you will be able to use it so you can land softly on the ground without incurring fall damage.
Once you jump in the air, make sure to tap "Spacebar" again to deploy the Glider. Please also keep in mind that using a Glider requires some Stamina. All of the information was gathered from this helpful video here: