Did you know that in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies, you can have a dog companion by finding a doghouse? Our guide will share tips on using chunks of flesh in the game, including where to locate the doghouses.
Getting a Hellhound with Chunk of Flesh
After placing the Chunk of Flesh, a Hellhound joins your team with a green health bar, indicating their friendly status.

The dog's level is influenced by both the Threat Zone of the doghouse location and the quantity of deposited chunks of flesh.
- Hellhound Level 1: Located in a Tier 1 Threat Zone, requires 1 Chunk of Flesh.
- Hellhound Level 2: Found in a Tier 2 Threat Zone, requires 2 Chunks of Flesh.
- Hellhound Level 3: Found in a Tier 3 Threat Zone, requires 3 Chunks of Flesh.

They'll stick around, helping you defeat enemies and even revive you or your teammate. While you can't take the dog home, they prove beneficial, especially when playing solo.
Doghouse Locations in MW3 Zombies

Doghouses spawn randomly on the map, typically in Low threat level zones. Check potential spawn points on the map, allowing you to cruise around and find doghouses using a car. Drive along map edges or residential areas to trigger their locations more frequently.

Obtaining Chunk of Flesh in MW3 Zombies
Get Chunk of Flesh using the LT53 Kazimir on zombies, which pulls enemies towards a Dark Aether and drops flesh. You can also get it from destroying zombies with explosives and fire. Collect as much flesh as possible based on your map location, but remember, you can't keep it during exfil. The Tombstone perk may help save your inventory stash for the next playthrough.

Unlocking 'You Can Pet The Dog' Achievement
To pet the dog, wait for the Hellhound to sit when no enemies are nearby. Some dogs may not have this feature, so try with the next one. After the dog sits, press 'Pet the Dog' to earn the achievements like Deadman’s Best Friend and You can Pet The Dog.


That wraps up everything you need to know about MW3 Zombies doghouses and how to interact with the furry companions. Enjoy your zombie-fighting adventures with your loyal Hellhound by your side!