Modern Warfare 3 Zombies mode isn't just about surviving hordes of undead,it's also filled with hidden Easter eggs that offer free perks. These perks, earned through simple challenges at specific map locations, greatly enhance your gaming experience. The challenge, though, lies in finding these hidden tasks, as they aren't explicitly mentioned anywhere.
Thanks to the dedicated community, many of these secret challenges have been uncovered, revealing the perks they unlock. Here's a simple guide to help you locate and complete these challenges for free perks in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.
All Free Perks Locations
- Speed Cola
- Deadshot Daiquiri
- Death Perception
- Stamin-Up
- Tombstone
- PHD-Flopper
- Jugger-Nog
- Quick Revive
Speed Cola Perk

Go to Legacy's Fortress and locate an eagle statue. Drive through the arrow on the statue and then jump down to complete the challenge and get the Speed Cola perk for free.

Deadshot Daiquiri Perk

At I3 near Orlov Military Base, find a Mr. Peek statue in a church. Toss a grenade through the window from outside to get the Deadshot Daiquiri perk.

Death Perception Perk

Visit the tall smokestack at Sorokin Industrial (E1). Climb it and jump off.

Gglide through three rings without touching them, and earn the Death Perception perk.

Stamin-Up Perk

In Zaravan City (D7), climb a staircase rapidly to the 15th floor, fighting off zombies along the way, to get the Stamin-Up perk.

Tombstone Perk

On a building between Zaravan Suburbs and Shahin Manor, use a sniper to spot and ping a Mister Peeks bunny. Be careful, as pinging him will trigger a surprise!

PHD Flopper Perk

Go to the backyard pool at Shahin Manor. Jump into the pool from the roof, and the nearby Mr. Peek statue next to the pool will reward you with the PHD Flopper perk.

Jugger-Nog Perk

In the Seaport District (C3), light an unlit campfire with a Molotov to receive the Juggernog perk.

Quick Revive Perk

Use a fast vehicle near Hadiqa Farms and Hamza Bazaar (H5). Drive under a sign with a bunny on top, wait for a laughter sound, then quickly race to the opposite sign.

The location for the Elemental Pop perk remains a mystery, though rumors suggest it might be in a high-threat area.
That's all for our guide on finding and unlocking free perks in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies! Remember, these hidden Easter eggs not only offer a fun challenge but also give you an edge in your gameplay. Keep exploring, stay sharp, and use these tips to enhance your zombie-fighting skills. And who knows, maybe you'll be the one to uncover the last remaining Elemental Pop perk! Good Luck!
Check out our MW3 Zombies Perk list guide here.