Bethesda's post-apocalyptic masterpiece, Fallout 4, has captivated players with its vast open world and intricate gameplay mechanics. However, for those seeking to unleash their inner God, the game's console commands and item codes offer a wealth of opportunities. This guide covers all Fallout 4 console commands and cheat codes!
Table of Contents
All Fallout 4 Console Commands

To access the console commands in Fallout 4, simply press the tilde (~) key on your keyboard. This will open the developer console, allowing you to enter the commands and cheats. These commands are not case-sensitive, so you don't need to worry about capitalization.
Here are all the Fallout 4 console commands:
Command | Description |
tgm |
Turns on god mode, making you invincible |
tim |
Turns on immortal mode, allowing you to take damage but never die |
tcl |
Turns off collision detection, allowing you to walk through walls |
setgs fjumpheightmin <#> |
Sets the height of your jump |
player.setav speedmult <#> |
Sets a multiplier to your running speed |
player.setlevel <#> |
Sets your character's level |
player.modav <skillID> <#> |
Increases a specified S.P.E.C.I.A.L. skill by the specified number |
player.additem <itemID> <#> |
Adds a specified number of the specified item to your inventory |
tmm 1 |
Marks all locations on the Pip-Boy map |
unlock |
Unlocks the door or terminal that you are targeting |
player.placeatme <objectID> |
Spawns the specified item or NPC close to your current location |
tai |
Turns off the artificial intelligence of NPCs |
tcai |
Turns off the combat artificial intelligence of enemies |
tdetect |
Turns off the AI's ability to detect you |
killall |
Murders everyone in your immediate area, other than companions and vital characters |
kill <targetID> |
Murders the creature or character whose ID you have typed in |
resurrect <targetID> |
Revives the creature or character whose ID you have typed in |
tfc |
Toggles on and off the free-flying camera |
tm |
Toggles on and off the menus and the user interface |
caqs |
Completes every quest in the main storyline |
resetquest<Quest ID> |
Resets the specified quest back to the start |
setscale <1-10> |
Makes you, or your target, very big |
set timescale to <#> |
Sets the speed of the passage of time |
coc qasmoke |
Teleports you to a room full of boxes with every item in the game |
coc <cell id> |
Teleports you to a specified area |
showlooksmenu player 1 |
Opens up the character customization screen |
player.AddToFaction <faction id> <0 or 1> |
Sets your status as an ally with a faction |
setenemy <faction id> <0 or 1> |
Sets your status as an enemy with a faction |
player.RemoveFromFaction <faction id> |
Removes your allied status with a faction |
removefromallfactions |
Removes your allied status with all factions in the world |
Fallout 4 Item Codes

In addition to the console commands, Fallout 4 also offers the ability to spawn specific items using unique item codes. Here are some of the most commonly used item codes:
Item | Code |
Bottlecap | 0000000F |
Stimpak | 00023736 |
Rad Away | 00023742 |
Fusion Core | 00075FE4 |
Nuka-Cola Quantum | 0004835F |
Bobby Pin | 0000000A |
Fallout 4 Weapon Codes

Fallout 4 features a diverse arsenal of weapons, and you can summon them using the following weapon codes:
Weapon | Code |
.44 Pistol | 000CE97D |
Eddie's Peace | 00225AE9 |
Kellogg's Pistol | 00225AC1 |
The Gainer | 00225AE7 |
10mm Pistol | 00004822 |
Wastelander's Friend | 001F61E6 |
Deliverer | 000DC8E7 |
Classic 10mm Pistol | 00000000 |
Flare Gun | 001025AC |
Western Revolver | DLC Code + 0415B3 |
Assault Rifle | 0000463F |
December's Child | DLC Code + 014459 |
Overseer's Guardian | 000DF42E |
Gauss Rifle | 000D1EB0 |
The Last Minute | 0022B603 |
Handmade Rifle | DLC Code + 033B60 |
Hunting Rifle | 0004F46A |
Reba | 001ABC92 |
Reba Ii | 001ABC93 |
Tinker Tom Special | 001F2675 |
Lever-action Rifle | DLC Code + 02C8B0 |
Lucky Eddy | DLC Code + 045675 |
Old Reliable | DLC Code + 05158F |
Radium Rifle | DLC Code + 025FC4 |
Kiloton Radium Rifle | DLC Code + 05158E |
Radical Conversion | DLC Code + 045673 |
Railway Rifle | 000FE268 |
Submachine Gun | 0015B043 |
Silver Submachine Gun | 001B28F7 |
Spray N' Pray | 00165181 |
Syringer | 0014D09E |
Combat Shotgun | 0014831C |
Justice | 001F61E4 |
Le Fusil Terribles | 00225771 |
Double-barrel Shotgun | 00092217 |
Pipe Bolt-action | 0014831A |
Pipe Gun | 00024F55 |
Pipe Revolver | 0014831B |
Fat Man | 000BD56F |
Big Boy | 0021A53E |
The Striker | DLC Code + 031702 |
Nuka-nuke Launcher | DLC Code + 05178F |
Flamer | 000E5881 |
Sergeant Ash | DLC Code + 051599 |
Harpoon Gun | DLC Code + 010B81 |
Admiral's Friend | DLC Code + 05158B |
Skipper's Last Stand | DLC Code + 04E752 |
Defender's Harpoon Gun | DLC Code + 032507 |
Junk Jet | 000E942B |
Minigun | 0001F669 |
Ashmaker | 001F252E |
Missile Launcher | 0003F6F8 |
Partystarter | 001F61E5 |
Death From Above | 00225969 |
Broadsider | 000FD11B |
Institute Laser | 001633CC |
Virgil's Rifle | 00225ABA |
Laser Musket | 0001DACF |
Laser Gun | 0009983B |
Old Faithful | 001F61E2 |
Survivor's Special | 00225ABC |
Good Intentions | 0022537B |
Prototype Up77 "Limitless Potential" | 0023E5EE |
Righteous Authority | 001A2A2E |
Wazer Wifle | 00225965 |
Gatling Laser | 000E27BC |
Final Judgment | 00075FE4 |
Aeternus | DLC Code + 04EC35 |
Plasma Gun | 00100AE9 |
Experiment 18-a | 001F61E9 |
Sentinel's Plasmacaster | 00225967 |
Alien Blaster Pistol | 000FF995 |
Hub's Alien Blaster | DLC Code + 000000 |
Cryolator | 00171B2B |
Thirst Zapper | DLC Code + 007BC8 |
Salvaged Assaultron Head | DLC Code + 0100B7 |
Tesla Rifle | DLC Code + 003E07 |
Gamma Gun | 000DDB7C |
Lorenzo's Artifact Gun | 002266F7 |
Zeta Gun | 002266FC |
Acid Soaker | DLC Code + 007BC6 |
Those are all the Fallout 4 cheats that you need to try! You can finally play God in this post-apocalyptic game. There are going to be new weapons in the upcoming Fallout 4 next-gen upgrade, and we'll make sure to update this guide when the new codes are live.