While it's true that all jobs in FFXIV can clear end game content, including Extreme Trials, Savage, and Ultimates, that doesn't mean all jobs are equal! This is a tier list for all of you min-maxers out there who simply have to be pumping the most damage or doing the most net healing in every possible encounter.
We'll be covering all roles in this list, and we'll be sourcing our info from none other than Desperius, a well-renowned content creator in the FFXIV community. Let's begin!


Bard's overall DPS numbers aren't great, but that's not really a Bard's job. Your buffs and valuable, and never let anyone tell you otherwise! That said, Dancer ranks at almost double the popularity of Bard in Savage content, likely due to Dancer's synergy with the all-powerful Samurai.

Red Mage
Even after a wave of buffs in patch 6.5, Red Mage continues to wallow at the bottom of the casters in terms of DPS output. Red Mage is, of course, renowned for its ability to almost endlessly revive fallen allies, however, this ability becomes less and less useful the higher difficulty content you push.

Astrologian is the least played healing job in 6.51, with shield-based healers dominating most encounters. Astrologian also totes the lowest damage output of all the healers, too, even if only by a tiny margin.

Sneaking into the B-tier, Summoners squeak ahead of Red Mages based almost purely on their consistent play style and slightly higher total DPS numbers. Summoner is also the most played caster DPS job in Savage content.

While sharing some of the weaknesses of the Astrologian, pumping as a Scholar also has the added benefit of leveling a Summoner alongside it, so there's always that.

White Mage
White Mage is the most played healing job in 6.51. Similar to Summoner, it is simple to play, consistent, and even deals decent damage, surpassed only by the Sage.

Black Mage
Black Mage's entirely on damage output, and it shows. BLM is the highest DPS job out of all the caster jobs in 6.51. This job, however, is not for the faint of heart, and it shows, because it's also the least-played caster job in savage content, too. Only play if you're committed to mastering BLM!

A solid A-tier DPS pick. Dragoon is actually the second-highest parsing DPS job in current Savage content, so, despite its low play rate, in the hands of a masterful player, Dragoon can comfortably smash the hardest content in 6.51.

Sages are the dungeon kings, and perform almost as well in all other forms of content, too. They also boast the highest damage numbers of all the healing jobs right now!

As a Dancer, while you might score slightly below Bard in terms of raw DPS in most fights, your buffs alongside the top-parsing DPS jobs in the game make you an invaluable asset to most high-end raiding teams.

As the highest damage ranged DPS job in the game, Machinist earns its spot comfortably at the top of the B-tier.

Ninja may score as the lowest parsing melee DPS job in savage content but don't be fooled. The difference in total damage output is extremely minimal versus other melee DPS, and Ninja can easily raid with the best of 'em.

Another solid melee DPS pick, Monk, despite its unusually low play rate, scores as the highest parsing melee DPS job in 6.51.

Dark Knight
Dark Knights are a solid tank option in 6.51, especially for off-tanking. Their utility means they are well suited to the off-tanking role. The only way in which DK falls short is raw damage output, scoring as the lowest overall DPS tanking job in 6.51, even if only just.

Paladins share all the strength of Dark Knights, making exceptional off-tanks owing to their utility, however, they do parse higher in the Savage DPS charts than their DK rivals. It's a tiny difference, but this puts Paladins an inch above DKs in our list.

Gunbreaker boasts one of the more satisfying and damage-heavy rotations of all the tanking jobs, parsing as the number 1 tank job for damage overall in patch 6.51. Gunbreakers have a snappy answer to every threat, putting them at the top of the A-tier.

Reaper's damage is competitive with the best. Add to this Reaper's flexible damage style, able to switch on a dime to deal maximum damage no matter how the battlefield shifts, and you've got a solid A-tier DPS.

Samurai reigns supreme amongst a stacked field of melee DPS, putting out some of the highest damage numbers in Savage in 6.51.

Warriors have the most responsive kit out of all the tanks, able to quickly react to just about any threat they face. They're also probably the highest damage tank in dungeon content and measure up just below Gunbreaker in overall damage output for the tanking jobs. An easy S-tier pick.
For a more in-depth breakdown from Desperius himself, check out his tier list video below!