As with all major regions in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Nibel has a series of quests that will lead you to a Protorelic. Some Phenomenon Intel missions have you playing mini-games but luckily in Nibel, the only thing you need to do is follow robed strangers around.
This questline requires some patience because the figures do not hurry on their way. You can nudge them forward to speed up the process but it will still be slow-going. Please note that you will have to complete these steps in order for them to count.
FF7 Rebirth: Nibel Phenomenon Intel 1: Testing the Waters
Start the questline by going to the location on your map. You can find it directly west of Gull Bridge Tower. You should see the cloaked individuals walking around. Follow them as they lead you to a warehouse.

Make sure you have ice materia equipped and open the door to go inside. Two Cavestalkers will attack you. These creatures are weak against ice damage. Once you have defeated them, the first Phenomenon Intel mission is complete.
FF7 Rebirth: Nibel Phenomenon Intel 2:
For the next step, you are going to need Selena the Ocean Chocobo to proceed so make sure you have picked her up first. Head south from the Airstrip Tower and you will see the robed strangers. Follow them to start the second Phenomenon Intel mission.

They will lead you to a door that cannot open. Instead, mount Selena and jump off the cliff where you obtained the Ocean Chocobo. Enter the broken gate and follow the path. Another group of Cavestalkers is waiting for you. Use the same strategy to defeat them.

FF7 Rebirth: Nibel Phenomenon Intel 3: Cursed Confidant
Head to the shore west of the Beacon Hill Tower in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Start following the robed individuals and a group of monsters will attack you. You shouldn’t have a problem because you fought these creatures back in Chapter 5.

As soon as the fight is over, continue to follow the robed strangers. They will lead you to a gate. To open it, turn the wheels in the correct order to match the arrows with the red paint. This is the order you must turn them in:
- Turn the left wheel.
- Turn the right wheel.
- Turn the middle wheel.
- Turn the right wheel again.
The gate will open and when you step inside, a Sanguine Scourge will attack. Use lightning damage to take advantage of its weakness. Before moving on to the next Phenomenon Intel mission, heal your party if needed.

FF7 Rebirth: Nibel Phenomenon Intel 4: Wayward Soul
You can find the fourth and last Phenomenon Intel Mission on the next shore. There is a short cutscene as you approach the robed travelers. Make your way over to the new location on your map; you will need your Ocean Chocobo for this.

Before you arrive on the island, make sure Cloud is in your party and everyone has fire materia equipped. You will find yourself going head-to-head with the Eccentric Swordsman as you did in the Cosmo Canyon. This time you will have the full party to back you up.
He is weak against fire damage and you can pressure him by evading his attacks or blocking him perfectly. Use your Synergy Abilities to take him down faster.

After defeating the Eccentric Swordsman, you will have completed the Phenomenon Intel missions in Nibelheim and be one step closer to owning all the Protorelics in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. If this is the last Protorelic in the game, the cutscene will lead you to the last Phenomenon Intel mission located in the Meridian Ocean. I hope this guide was helpful.