Final Fantasy XIV’s servers were under attack on May 6. The DDoS attack prevented players from logging into Final Fantasy XIV. Square Enix have also announced a few upcoming events.
Final Fantasy XIV: DDoS Attack
Square Enix explained that the attack began around 6am, Monday, May 6, and they started working on a solution and countermeasure right away. This DDoS attack caused issues with logging in, sending/receiving data, and disconnecting from European, American, Japanese, and Oceania FFXIV data centers. The DDoS attack comes after fans’ negative feedback, over the graphical update that makes characters have lifeless looks in their eyes.

Final Fantasy XIV: Make It Rain Campaign
The Make It Rain Campaign is back in Final Fantasy XIV, giving thrill-seekers the chance to earn 50% more MGP and obtain some enticing Imp-inspired gear, perfect for merrily marching with your fellow mascots. Join the festivities and rake in the rewards. The event will run from May 15, 2024, until May 31, 2024.
The only requirements to participate are that you have a character that is at least level 15, and you must first complete one of the following main scenario quests: "The Gridanian Envoy," "The Ul'dahn Envoy," or "The Lominsan Envoy."

Certain items available during previous iterations of the event can be obtained via the campaign attendant. The Crystal Tower striker, Monster Toss machine, Cuff-a-Cur machine, and a number of other prizes may be purchased at a reduced MGP cost from the campaign attendant.
Final Fantasy XIV: Moogle Treasure Trove ─ The Second Hunt for Genesis
Square Enix announced the return of the Moogle Treasure Trove in Final Fantasy XIV, starting on May 14, 2024. You’ll have to collect Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II by completing specific duties and exchanging them with itinerant Moogles for a host of treasures, including accessories and mounts. Seek out those Tomestones and reap the rewards.
This time, the Emerald Carbuncle earring makes its debut as a redeemable item, so don't miss this glistening gem of an opportunity to expand your accessory collection in FFXIV.

Here are some tips for the Moogle Treasure Trove:
Irregular Tomestones will not be awarded when using adventurer squadrons or the Duty Support system.
Irregular Tomestone rewards are only available to unrestricted parties if the "Level Sync" option is applied.
You must score at least 1,200 points while ocean fishing to be awarded Irregular Tomestones.
Weekly objectives are updated every Tuesday at 1:00am (PDT).
Ultimog Challenges can only be completed once per event period. A sizable Tomestone reward awaits those who complete these special tasks.
- Item exchanges will be available until the release of Patch 7.1
