The Moogle Treasure Trove event has returned in Final Fantasy 14, and we’ll be showing you some of the best ways to farm it. There are various methods, suited for any player, and we’ll inform you which ones are the fastest, which provide the most value for your time, and which one is the best overall.
You will need to talk to an Itinerant Moogle to receive the Mogpendium and be able to earn Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II.
Moogle Treasure Trove Weekly Objectives
First of all, you should definitely do your weekly objectives, as you’ll receive 20 Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II for doing so. Usually, the dungeons required for the weekly missions aren’t too hard, so you should be able to rack up a decent amount of Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II.
Similarly to the weekly objectives, you also have Minimog Challenges, which you can do once per week. You’ll receive 10 Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II for clearing those.
It seems Square Enix has learned from the first time the event ran and they have made it so the challenges and objectives you get depend on the level you are at, so lower-level players can also clear them.

Moogle Treasure Trove Ultimog Challenges
The Ultimog Challenge for the event is getting to floor 100 in the Palace of the Dead. This is a decent way to farm the event and level your alt jobs.
You can start from Floor 51 solo or queue with a group of friends, which is the fastest way! The only difference with solo is that it's slower and you can't go past floor 100. You’ll receive 50 Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II if you clear floor 100.
It’s recommended to do it with a queue group or friends since it will be much faster and shouldn't take more than an hour. If you haven't unlocked PotD, you will need to start from floor 1. You can also get some great rewards from the Palace of the Dead and mounts that sell for a lot on the Marketboard.

Moogle Treasure Trove: Quick and Easy Ways to Farm
Castrum Meridianum
Clearing Castrum Meridianum with a full Blue Mage party can be done in roughly 4 minutes, and you’ll receive 4 Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II.
The Dead Ends
The Dead Ends is a level 90 dungeon, so a Blue Mage party can’t clear it as they only go up to level 80. However, you can still clear this dungeon pretty fast if you go with a full DPS party and a single Tank. Warriors will be a great pick here since they have a self-heal. You’ll receive 4 Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II for clearing this dungeon as well.
Gates are a great way to farm Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II. They take about 5 minutes to complete, and depending on which gate you clear, you can get between 1 and 10 Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II.

Moogle Treasure Trove: Best Value and Good for Low Level Ways to Farm
In this category, we’ll list ways to farm the Moogle Treasure Trove in FFXIV that bring more value than just the Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II and are also good for low level players.
You might notice that the lowest level objectives are for level 50, so we’ll show you a few ways you can still get a lot of Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II while progressing your character.
Starting with PvP, you’ll notice there are four options for farming Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II. The first 3 options are all Frontlines, so you can just queue for the Frontline Roulette, and you’ll be rewarded with 3-5 Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II, depending on whether you win or lose.

A trick you can do is to queue as the job you want to level up, and once you’re inside, you can switch to the job you’d rather PvP with.
This method allows you to get a lot of EXP and EXP towards your Malmstones, which provides a ton of great rewards, including season-exclusive Glam. You’ll also receive Trophy Crystals and Wolf Marks, which you can spend on other things.
We already talked about Gates being a quick and easy way to farm Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II, but they are also accessible fairly early in the game and are great for lower-level players. They provide MGP, which can be used to purchase various Glam, mounts, and more.
You can also use your Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II to buy the MGP platinum cards from the Itinerant Moogle and get 50,000 MGP with those if you want to buy the expensive mounts.
Moogle Treasure Trove: The Best Way to Farm Irregular Tomestones
Finally, we’ll talk about the overall best way to farm the Moogle Treasure Trove in FF14. Summing up everything we’ve discussed so far, the best way to farm Irregular Tomestones of Genesis II is to do Gates, and between them, you should be able to fit either Frontlines or a quick dungeon.
You have around 15 minutes between each gate, so you should be able to fit in any activity you enjoy. If PvP is your thing and you’re not too fond of Gates, it’s a great second-place alternative because of all the additional rewards you get.
