In anticipation of Season 2 of Chapter 5, which is likely to arrive on March 8, Epic Games has introduced a new quest line to help you finish leveling your battle pass: The Mosaic Snapshot Quests. Here, you will be tasked by Odyssey to find and dig up various Mosaic caches in stages scattered throughout the map. If you are having trouble finding their locations, this guide will help you solve that problem.
All Fortnite Mosaic Cache Locations
After you talk with Odyssey, he will ask you to find and dig up three different Mosaic caches that are hidden around the Windmills on the Fortnite map. While you can see their locations in the quest tab in the Fortnite menu, you can't do that if you are in a match. Below, we have provided a map with the different locations for your convenience.

The first Windmill is located just right of Snooty Steppes on the south side of the map, called "The Windmill". The Mosaic cache is located next to the Windmill, indicated by a blue exclamation mark. Refer to the screenshot below for the exact location.

The second Windmill is located between Ruined Reels and Lavish Lair, named 'The Other Windmill'. You can dig up the Mosaic cache located on the right side of the mill, next to its door. Refer to the screenshot below for the exact location.

The third Windmill is located north of Ritzy Riviera. The Windmill name is "The Other Other Windmill", and you can find the Mosaic cache between the mill and the small shack next to it. Refer to the screenshot below for the exact location.

After you get all three Windmill Mosaic caches, you will have to dig up three more that are located in the Cemetery.

You can find the Cemetery north of Reckless Railways Grand Station, and again, you will find them by the blue exclamation mark.
After you collect all of these Mosaic Caches, you will once again have to talk with Odyssey, and he will ask you to dig up 6 more in two different locations.
The first three are located in the Rescue Station, northeast of Reckless Railways Grand Station.

After you dig those up, head over to Coastal Columns, which is located west of Pleasant Plaza.

For the next Mosaic Caches quest, first, you'll need to dig up two tiles in the Ruined Reels where Odyssey roams.

After that, you'll be tasked with digging up two more tiles 'around the Cracks' in the same area. These are located near the water on the west side of Ruined Reels.

Once you've done that, investigate the final Mosaic Emblem located on the northwest side of the area.

Finish the quest by talking to Odyssey again.
How to Dig Up Mosaic Caches in Fortnite
Digging up the Mosaic Caches is easy. The only problem is that there will be other players wanting to finish their quests. So, you can either go for the cache and hope for the best or clear the area first. To dig up a Mosaic cache, simply go to the blue exclamation mark, equip your pickaxe, and press your attack button. You will automatically pick it up, and you will see your quest counter increase by one in the top left corner.

And that concludes all the Mosaic Cache locations in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 1. These are all the collectible caches so far. If new ones appear, we will update this article. For more Fortnite news and guides, check the rest of our website.