If you are playing Season 3 in Fortnite Chapter 5, you will know how overpowered vehicles are. Once you get into the late game, players with Mythic cars are almost impossible to beat in 1vs1 scenarios. Well, Epic Games just fixed that problem with several vehicle nerfs and a new vehicle counter consumable—the Boogie Bomb.
In this article, we will cover every change from the recent hotfix implemented on May 30 in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3. Keep in mind these are not the patch notes for update v30.01.

Fortnite Hotfix May 30 Patch Notes
The most notable change is the unvaulting of the Boogie Bomb. If you have seen this item before, you know how powerful it is. The Boogie Bomb makes a player start dancing for five seconds, which can be interrupted by taking damage. This is the biggest counter to vehicles, as if you get hit while driving, you will get out of the car and start dancing.

Another notable change in the hotfix is the nerf to Mythic cars, which removed their regeneration ability. This means damaging the cars will now have significance since players could previously just drive away and come back after ten seconds with a fully healed car. Here is a list of all the changes in the Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3 May 30 hotfix:
- Boom Bolt damage to cars increased 3.0x --> 3.7x
- Nitro Gauntlets charge restoration increased by 3 seconds
- Vehicle Turret fire rate while affected by Nitro decreased 1.5x -> 1.25x
- Nitro Bash damage reduced 75 -> 25
- Boss cars have no life regeneration
- Vehicles have less HP in solo mode
- Reduced Machine Gun Turret accuracy
- Grenade Turret damage to structure reduced 250 -> 150
- Boogie Bombs unvaulted
That concludes all the changes from the May 30 hotfix in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3. These updates will make it significantly easier to compete against players in vehicles. While the Boogie Bombs are a great counter to cars, they can also take away some of the fun since you'll always get shot first if you're the one dancing. For more Fortnite news and guides, be sure to explore the rest of our website.