When playing Granblue Fantasy: Relink you have undoubtedly stumbled upon one of the locked chests that can be wound in the game’s hub towns - Folca and Seedhollow.
These chests are different from normal chests in that they require specific keys to open, however, because of that they also reward better rewards than most chests you find during the story.
In this guide we’ll go over where you can find all of the locked chests and how you can get the keys to open them!
Table of Contents
What are Locked Chests
Locked Chests are a type of chest that can be found in the hub towns of Folca and Seedhollow. These chests come in three types depending on the type of key they require. There are a total of three keys in the game:
Each of these can be obtained through various means and you can check our guides on each one to see how you can get them by using the links above.
After you have unlocked all of the keys now it is time to see where all of the chests are!
Silver Key Locked Chests

There are a total of 4 Silver Key Chests that you can find, with two of them being in Folca and the other two in Seedhollow.
Folca Silver Key Chest 1
The first Silver Key Chest can be found in Folca.
There you will want to go to Siero and take the path on the right. After continuing forward you will see a big wooden door with the first Silver Key Chest in front of it.

This Silver Key Chest rewards the following items:
- Fortitude Crystal (S) x5
- Attack Power III Sigil
- Health III Sigil
Folca Silver Key Chest 2
The second Silver Key in Folca can be found by first going Blacksmith in Folca and then making your way to the pond.
At the crossroad in the pond you’ll want to take the wooden bridge and continue forward until you encounter your second Locked Chest.

This Silver Key Chest rewards the following items:
- Fortitude Crystals (S) x5
- Autorevive III Sigil
- Drain III Sigil
Seedhollow Silver Key Chest 1
The first Silver Key Chest in Seedhollow can once again be found by first going over to Siero.
When you reach Siero you just have to circle around his shack and you’ll find the Locked Chest just right next to the NPCs sitting on the bench.

This Silver Key Locked Chest awards the following items:
- Fortitude Crystals (S) x5
- Tyranny III Sigil
- Improved Guard III Sigil
Seedhollow Silver Key Chest 2
This chest can be found by going towards Zathba, which takes care of appraising your Curios. There are two ways you can go about this.
You can either head to Zathba by using the magnifying glass icon on the top of your screen, or if you have completed the main story and have the Fast Travel feature unlocked you can teleport to him.
The chest can be found right outside of Zathba’s pub, sitting next to the flight of stairs.

The rewards for this Silver Key Chest are as follows:
- Fortitude Crystals (S) x5
- Combo Booster III Sigil
- Guts III Sigil
Gold Key Chests

There are a total of three Gold Key Chests with one being in Folca and two being in Seedhollow. These reward slightly better items than the Silver Key Chests and here is where you can find them.
Folca Gold Key Chest
To get the Gold Key Chest in Folca you’d want to start at the Blacksmith once again and then head on over to the pond.

At the crossroad to the pond you want to take the right path through the wooden bridge and continue forward just before you reach the Second Silver Key Chest, there you will turn left and encounter a building which has a roof that is made up as a jumping puzzle.

After jumping up on the roofs you’ll want to make your way around to a balcony where you can find the Gold Key Locked Chest.

This Gold Key Chest awards the followings:
- Fortitude Crystal (M) x1
- Health IV Sigil
- Critical Hit Rate IV Sigil
Seedhollow Gold Key Chest 1
The first Gold Key Chest in Seedhollow can be found right before the bazaar’s entrance. To find it you’ll want to start at the Docks and head straight until the second crossroad, just before the bazaar entrance.
There you will turn right and reach a dead-end where you will find the Gold Key Chest.

This chest has the following rewards:
- Fortitude Crystal (M) x1
- Drain III Sigil
- Stun Power III Sigil
Seedhollow Gold Key Chest 2
This is the final Gold Key Chest in Seedhollow. To find it you will want to start at the Quest Counter, once facing the Quest Counter you will immediately turn right.

Once you reach the fork at the flower shop you will take the right path that leads up a short flight of stairs and continue forward.
At the end of that path you will see big steel gates, before those gates there will be some stairs on the right and on top of the area you will find the second Gold Key Chest.

This chest contains the following rewards:
- Fortitude Crystal (M) x1
- Aegis III Sigil
- Regen III Sigil
Whitewing Key Chests

Similar to the Gold Key Chests there are only three Whitewing Key Chests, but unlike the previous chests these have the best rewards and are definitely worth unlocking right after you get your key.
There is one Whitewing Chest in Folca and two in Seedhollow, so let’s see where they are!
Folca Whitewing Key Chest
This chest is found close to the large cathedral in Folca. First you’ll want to make your way to the cathedral from the center of Folca.
When you’re facing the cathedral you’ll want to go to your right.

After going right you’ll see an arch, when at the arch turn left and continue forward until you find the Whitewing Key Chest hidden behind the bushes.

This chest awards the following items:
- Azurite’s Splendor x1
- Damage Cap IV Sigil
- Tyranny IV Sigil
Seedhollow Whitewing Key Chest 1
The first Whitewing Key Chest in Seedhollow can be found by starting out at Siero’s Knickknack Shack in the bazaar.
You’ll want to run past Siero’s shop and continue forward until you encounter a fork with a flower shop where the left leads to an alley and the right leads to the castle.

Here you take the left road and continue forward. While running, turn your camera to the right and look for two NPCs that are talking.
Behind these two NPCs you’ll find the Whitewing Key Chest hidden inside one of the alcoves on the right, note that it should be the fourth alcove.

This chest has the following rewards:
- Damascus Ingot x1
- Quick Cooldown V Sigil
- Improved Dodge Sigil
Seedhollow Whitewing Key Chest 2
The final Whitewing Key Chest can be found close to the first one. After opening the first Whitewing Key Chest in Seedhollow you will want to keep going just a bit forward and then turn left to go inside the alleyway there.

At this step you just follow the alleyway until you reach a left turn, there at the left turn you should look left and you will find the Whitewing Key Chest sitting on top of the pavement.

This chest has the following rewards:
- Silver Spellbook x1
- Skilled Assault IV Sigil
- Stamina IV Sigil
We hope that our guide has proven useful in helping you find all of the chest in the game. If you’d like to see more Granblue Fantasy: Relink guides then feel free to hop on over to our website!