When playing through Granblue Fantasy: Relink you will not always have people to play with, or might simply want to play the game solo.
Given that Granblue Fantasy: Relink has a party system with up to 4 characters that can appear on the field at any time, there is also an AI system implemented to control the characters that you are not using.
In this guide we’ll go over what we think are the best characters for the AI to control and how you can make your progression in Granblue Fantasy: Relink easier.
Best AI Characters

When it comes to the best characters for the AI to use in Granblue Fantasy: Relink then we must look at several things.
First, the damage of these characters must not be tied to any time based mechanic as the AI will not be able to make the best use of that character’s damage.
Second, these characters must not rely on hard combos to get the most of their damage, as the AI will not be able to pull off the most optimal combo.

The best characters that the AI can use are those that do not require any hard mechanics in order to be able to deal their damage, while at the same time having good party-wide buffs that can support the other party members.
Taking these into account the characters that we believe you can let the AI control are the following:

Gran / Djeeta
The captain is one of the best supports in Granblue Fantasy: Relink that has a wide variety of skills that can both boost your party and debuff enemies.
The captain is definitely one of the characters worth building.
Eugen is one of the best DPS characters in the game and he is quite easy to play.
Eugen doesn't have any difficult mechanics in his kit and the AI is great at targeting enemies, making sure that it will use the best use of Eugen's bombs to deal the most damage possible.
Although Ferry might seem like she won't be a good AI companion because of her pet play style, she is actually quite a good character that the AI can use.
Ferry has a ton of support spells and deal a lot of damage without requiring you to pull off any hard mechanics, making her a great choice for the AI.
Percival is another great character to entrust to the AI because of him simple charge attack playstyle.
Although there are others characters that also use charged attacks like Percival, Percival has a lot more support potential than them. This makes him an overall better pick.
Finally Siegfried is a great choice for an AI controlled character due to his nature of staying right up next to an enemy and dealing a ton of damage.
Although Siegfriend relies on timing his attacks to deal more damage, the AI is able to perfectly time Siegfried's attack making it so that it doesn't lose out on any DPS.
And with the AI's ability to dodge perfectly, Siegfried is in good hands and will be able to dish out a ton of damage.
This concludes our guide on the best characters that we think are most useful when controlled by the AI in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
If you’d like to check out more Granblue Fantasy: Relink content then feel free to use the links below:
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Ferry Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Zeta Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Rackam Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Eugen Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Yodarha Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Cagliostro Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Io Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Vaseraga Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Id Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Vane Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Narmaya Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Percival Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - How to Unlock Characters
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Best Way to Farm EXP and MP
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - All Playable Characters
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Best Characters to Get Early