Some days ago, thanks to the efforts of the Korean Granblue Fantasy: Relink community, it was discovered that Curios have a type attached to them, which determines the items you get from the Curios.
This article will explain all you need to know about these types and how they can help you in your farm.
Table of Contents
Curio Types

Korean dataminers for Granblue Fantasy: Relink uncovered that Curios actually do not all come the same. Thanks to their tests we have discovered that Curios in fact have types that determine their loot tables.
There are no official classification for these Curios, and for now the community refers to them as:
- Type A
- Type B
- Type C
- Type D
These are the 4 types in which Curios were divided after the information from the data mining became public.
Best Curio Type

Out of all the four Curio types it is deemed that the rarest and most desirable type are the D Curios.
D Curios are guaranteed to drop + variants of Sigils, which drastically increases the drop rate for sigils such as Supplementary Damage and other Curio exclusive Sigils.
However, the slightly bad news is that although Type D Curios are guaranteed to drop + variants of Sigils, this does not mean that they will always drop V+ Sigils, or will only drop Sigils.
Type D Curios, like the other curios, also have a chance of dropping other items and Sigils of lower rarity.
Despite this, it was determined that only Type D Curios drop + Variants of Sigils and that they are the ones that players should be farming for.
How to Farm Type D Curios

Unfortunately there is no way to target any Type of Curio.
Whenever you complete a stage you will have a % chance to receive a Curio depending on the difficulty of the quest you’ve taken. The Curio % for different difficulties are as follows:
Difficulty | Drop Rate |
Hard | 50% |
Very Hard | 60% |
Extreme | 70% |
Maniac | 80% |
Proud | 100% |
When you get a Curio you are faced with another % chance that determines the type of the Curio you have obtained. Type D Curios have by far the lowest drop-rate.
From the information that we have now the drop rate for a Type D Curio is 3%, meaning that you’ll only get 3 of them out of every 100 Curio.
With no way to specifically target any type of Curio the best way you can obtain the sigils that you want is still to just farm the stage that gives you the highest amount of Curios for the shortest time and pray that some of those Curios are Type D.