Link Attacks are one of the most important combat mechanics in Granblue Fantasy: Relink and being able to utilize them opens the way for Link Time which is the biggest DPS window in the game.
In this guide we’ll explain just what Link Attacks, Link Level and Link Time are in order to help you make better use of these mechanics to deal more damage in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
Table of Contents
What are Link Attacks
Link Attacks are a type of attack that each character in Granblue Fantasy: Relink can do. Link Attacks can be done when an enemy’s Stun Gauge, the blue bar below and enemy’s health, has been filled up. Link Attacks appear as a blue intonation on your screen and can be performed by pressing R if you’re playing on keyboard and circle on controller.

Link Attacks are powerful attacks that charge up the Link Level and allow you to continue your normal combos after performing them.
In order to perform a Link Attack you must first fill up an enemy’s Stun Gauge which can be done by just attacking and using skills. Note that the more Stun Power you have the faster you fill up this gauge!
What is Link Level
Link Level is a percent type mechanic that increases the more Link Attacks you do. Link Level is increased by a number of points whenever a party member uses a Link Attack. Link Level can also be increased by performing SBA Attacks when your SBA meter, which can be found under a character’s health, is full.

Link Level fills up by a set amount with each Link Attack, however, by increasing your characters’ masteries you can increase the amount of points that each Link Attack grants.
When the Link Level reaches a 100% and all party members perform a Link Attack after filling up an enemy’s Stun Gauge you enter what is known as Link Time.
What is Link Time
Link Time is a mechanic that activates when your Link Level is at 100% and all party members simultaneously perform a Link Attack on an enemy whose Stun Gauge has been filled up.

Link Time lasts for a set amount of time, during which time all party members receive an increased ATK, Critical Hit Rate and Cooldown Rate buff.
Although Link Time lasts for a set amount of time, you can increase its duration by performing skills while in the Link Time state. This will allow you to prolong Link Time for a bit, increasing your damage dealing window.
Link Time is an important mechanic to keep in mind when playing Granblue Fantasy: Relink. It is an important damage window that is essential when fighting endgame bosses, so you should definitely master it and understand how to use it!
For more Granblue Fantasy: Relink guide please use the links below:
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Ferry Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Zeta Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Rackam Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Eugen Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Yodarha Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Cagliostro Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Io Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Vaseraga Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Id Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Vane Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Narmaya Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Percival Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - How to Unlock Characters
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Best Way to Farm EXP and MP
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - All Playable Characters
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Best Characters to Get Early