After beating the main story of Granblue Fantasy: Relink you will be thrust into the game’s endgame, which mainly consists of going on Quests and farming to make your characters stronger.
In this guide we’ll go over what all of the Quest Difficulties are and how to unlock them!
Table of Contents
Quest Difficulties
Quests are time-limited missions that you can do apart from the main story that you can undertake from the [Quest Counter] that unlocks in Chapter 1. They are the backbone behind Granblue Fantasy: Relink’s gameplay and work in the same way as hunts in Monster Hunter.

Quests reward players with EXP for their characters, Rupies, which are the game’s currency, and various materials for players to craft and upgrade weapons. The rewards and how hard a Quest is, is based on the Quest’s difficulty. There are a total of 7 Difficulties when it comes to Quests:
- Easy
- Normal
- Hard
- Very Hard
- Extreme
- Maniac
- Proud
Each one of these difficulties makes the Quests progressively harder, requiring you to build your characters in order to be able to clear the content.
At the same time, the higher the difficulty, the better the rewards and at Proud difficulty you can begin farming for Terminus Weapons which are the strongest weapons in the game.
Now let’s look at how to unlock each difficulty setting!
How to Unlock Quest Difficulties

Quest difficulties in Relink are tied to your Skyfarer rank which will increase as you progress through the game. When you start off in Granblue Fantasy: Relink and first unlock the [Quest Counter] in Chapter 1 you will be set as a Novice Skyfarer and will only be able to take on two Quest difficulties:
- Easy
- Normal
These difficulties will get you familiar with the questing system of the game, and allow you to level up your characters a bit to get them ready for the story.
These will also be the only difficulty quests that you will be able to take until you complete the main story of the game.

After completing Granblue Fantasy: Relink’s story you will be promoted to a Veteran Skyfarer, which is the next Skyfarer Grade after Novice. At Veteran Skyfarer Grade you will gain access to the following:
- Hard
- Very Hard
- Extreme
These quests are way harder when compared to the Easy and Normal ones, but at the same time reward you with way better items and allow you to level up your characters even faster.
After eventually beating Chapter 0 of the main story you will be promoted to the final Skyfarer Grade, Zegagrande Legend.

At this Skyfarer Grade you will be able to take on Maniac and Proud Difficulty Quests. These are the hardest quests in the game, and currently function as the endgame of Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
To complete these quests your team will need to be built appropriately and you will also need to have gotten a good mastery of the game, as at these difficulties you will no longer be able to use the Auto Assist Mode to help you clear content and will have to play fully manually.
However, it is also because of this that these quests reward players with the best items, and one of the Proud Difficulty Quests even drops Terminus Weapons which are the best weapons in the game!
You can find more Granblue Fantasy: Relink guides using the links below:
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Ferry Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Zeta Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Rackam Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Eugen Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Yodarha Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Cagliostro Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Io Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Vaseraga Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Id Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Vane Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Narmaya Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Percival Build Guide
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - How to Unlock Characters
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Best Way to Farm EXP and MP
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - All Playable Characters
- Granblue Fantasy: Relink - Best Characters to Get Early