Tweyen will be the second character to be released in Granblue Fantasy: Relink's Version 1.2.0 update this April. She will come alongside Seofon and she will also be the first Bow-wielding character in the game.
During the GBF 10th Anniversary we received a gameplay preview of Tweyen and using that we can make some speculation on what her gameplay will be like, so let's get to it!
Tweyen Gameplay
As already mentioned Tweyen will be the first bow character in Granblue Fantasy: Relink and will join the ranks of the ranged characters in the game.
Her trailer makes it hard to determine her main element so we will have to hold off on that information for a bit longer.

However, from the gameplay preview of Tweyen, we can see that she will be a nimble character that will largely focus on charged attacks, similar to many characters in Granblue Fantasy: Relink.

In addition, it can also be seen that Tweyen can apply a ton of debuff to enemies starting from Paralize to Poison and others.
This means that Tweyen will be a character that will greatly help your teams in hard missions, as CC skills and debuffs are a huge part of Granblue Fantasy: Relink.
Tweyen is sure to appeal to those who like a ranged playstyle that focuses on charged attacks and helping teammates with various forms of CC.

Nothing is known about her damage numbers just yet, however, we are eager to see what Cygames has in store for us.
Tweyen releases alongside Seofon sometime in April 2024 during the update for Version 1.2.0 so when we get more information about that we are sure to let you know!