Hades 2 allows players to experiment with new builds in tons of different ways, from the boons you get from the gods, all the way to the wide range of Arcana Card combinations that you can do before you even start a new run. The first decision, however, you have to make before you start playing is centered around all of the new weapons that Melinoe has access to. Each of these weapons has its own unique movesets, and going from one to the other can be very hard for a new player, as all of the interactions with the different boons and upgrades are different.
The Sister Blades are one of the first weapons that you can unlock in Hades 2, and they are also one of the strongest. In this article, we are going to go over the best Sister Blades build, including the mandatory and optional boons, so you can have an easier time in your next runs.
Hades 2: Best Sister Blades Build

Mandatory Boons
The best Sister Blades build that we have found so far is based around the Special and Omega Special attacks, which throw a dagger at mid-range enemies. This entire build is centered around the Hook Knives Daedalus upgrade, which makes your Specials return to you while dealing +50% increased backstab damage. This can do insane amounts of damage, and when it's optimized, it can deplete Chronos' health bar in just a few seconds. To make this build work, you are also going to need two boons from Aphrodite, so we suggest using her Keepsake in order to force her to appear.
The first boon you are going to need is Flutter Flourish, which increases the damage you deal to close enemies by a significant amount. This, combined with the second boon, Glamour Gain, which you are going to be using for Magick regeneration, is going to allow you to spam your Omega Special attack at close range, forcing it to deal devastating damage. You are going to be hitting tons of daggers from the front and the back at the same time from melee range, which, combined with the Aphrodite boon, makes this build do insane damage. Here are all of the boons you need in order to make this build work:
- Hook Knives (Daedalus): Your Specials return to you and deal +50% damage striking foes from behind.
- Flutter Flourish (Aphrodite): Your Specials deal more damage to nearby foes.
- Glamour Gain (Aphrodite): In each Encounter, 1 foe is always Weak. You gradually restore Magick near Weak foes.

Optional Boons
The optional boons for this build are mostly focused on dealing with large packs of enemies, as most of the mandatory ones are based around single-target damage. Getting the Static Shock boon from Zeus is going to help you clear entire rooms in just a few seconds, as the chain-lightning bolts will proc each time you hit an enemy with your Specials. Another similar choice is Support Fire from Artemis, which will increase your damage without taking up the boon slot for your Special. We also suggest heavily focusing on getting more Health and Magick. Here are the optional boons for this build:
- Static Shock (Zeus): After you enter a Location, Prime 50 Magick to make your strikes emit chain-lightning.
- Support Fire (Artemis): After you hit with your Attacks or Specials, fire a seeking arrow.
That is everything you need to know about our Special attack Sister Blades build. If you manage to find or force the mandatory boons at the beginning of the game, you can focus on getting some Health and defenses. This will help you tank a few hits and secure the victory, as you are not going to need to think about increasing your damage at all. For more Hades 2 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!