The long-awaited expansion of Hearthstone - Whizbang's Workshop was released a few days ago and delivered 145 new cards to the players. We met a lot of new faces but some cards are actually revisited versions of some well-known cards from previous years. In this article, we will look into the ten new Paladin cards and explain their flavor texts.
As you may know, every card in Hearthstone has its own "flavor" text which is a specific pun, reference, or joke related to the art or the name of the card. Some "serious" cards have a deeper flavor text that might reveal more about the lore or set the tone of the character. You can see this flavor text when you click on a card in your "My Collection" tab in the game.
Make sure to check out our in-depth explanation articles for each card class in Whizbang's Workshop! Now let's begin!
Fancy Packaging
- Rarity: Common
- Race: Human
- Flavor text: Wow, this card is great value! Until you open it.
- Flavor text explanation: The flavor text directly jokes about the card's name and effect. The "Divine Shield +2/+3" is the fancy packaging for a probably not-so-great minion.
Tigress Plushy
- Rarity: Common
- Race: Beast, High Elf
- Flavor text: The sheervalue of this card is undeniable.
- Flavor text explanation: The card abilities say it all. With so many effects and a charming plushie who could resist adding this card to their deck?
Painter's Virtue
- Rarity: Common
- Flavor text: For when the Light hits the painting at a certain angle.
- Flavor text explanation: Painters and Paladins alike use the light but in a different way. The flavor text makes a clever pun about it. The card illustrates the signature Paladin weapon - a hammer with a painter's brush attached to the handle.
Trinket Artist
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Draenei
- Flavor text: Many Draenei found new hobbies on the long journey from Argus.
- Flavor text explanation: Draenei, one of the main races in WoW, had to endure a very long journey from their home planet to Azeroth. Here we can see one Draenei that found a new unique hobby - making trinkets. Apparently, many other escapees also find peace in engaging in such activities.
Wind-Up Enforcer
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Animated Object, Human
- Flavor text: Code 6404.5 clearly states that all Enforcers remain in their packaging until told by authorized personnel.
- Flavor text explanation: This Enforcer takes his job very seriously and applies the rules even though he is just a toy.
Crafter's Aura
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Human
- Flavor text: She has at LEAST Craftsmanship +3.
- Flavor text explanation: The flavor text here jokes about how the Crafter gained at least +3 ability to her crafting. This is a reference to MMORPG and DnD-type games where you gain a flat amount of bonus skill to various abilities.
Cardboard Golem
- Rarity: Epic
- Race: Golem
- Flavor text: It's certainly... creative.
- Flavor text explanation: This cardboard golem is apparently very messy and clumsy. In a way maybe that's how it expresses its creativity? Maybe...?
Flash Sale
- Rarity: Epic
- Race: Mechanical
- Flavor text: HOW LOW! HOW LOW! HOW LOW!
- Flavor text explanation: When the well-known Hearthstone mech Annoy-o-Tron is summoned he starts repeating "Hello! Hello! Hello!". This new card in Whizbang's Workshop puts the mech on sale. Its flavor text makes a clever pun changing "Hello" to "How low!" which is used to advertise the Annoy-o-Tron.
Toy Captain Tarim
- Rarity: Legendary
- Race: Tol'vir
- Flavor text: Whizbang is now the sole proprietor of Un'Goro.
- Flavor text explanation: Whizbang has expanded his workshop to the lands of Un'Goro and made the mighty Captain Tarim who resides there into a toy manager.
Pipsi Painthoof
- Rarity: Legendary
- Race: Tauren
- Flavor text: "Earthmother guide my paintbrush strokes, especially on the eyes."
- Flavor text explanation: Taurens are known to worship the Earthmother and constantly ask her for guidance when faced with hardships. Here Pipsi is worried about drawing the eyes of her doll and turns to the divine Earthmother for such a mundane task.
Those are all ten Paladin cards in Whizbang's Workshop! Now that you got to know them check out our other articles that cover all cards from the different classes in Hearthstone and their meaning!
- Hearthstone All Mage Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained
- Hearthstone All Demon Hunter Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained
- Hearthstone All Druid Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained