The long-awaited expansion of Hearthstone - Whizbang's Workshop was released a few days ago and delivered 145 new cards to the players. We met a lot of new faces but some cards are actually revisited versions of some well-known cards from previous years. In this article, we will look into the ten new Rogue cards and explain their flavor texts.
As you may know, every card in Hearthstone has its own "flavor" text which is a specific pun, reference, or joke related to the art or the name of the card. Some "serious" cards have a deeper flavor text that might reveal more about the lore or set the tone of the character. You can see this flavor text when you click on a card in your "My Collection" tab in the game.
Make sure to check out our in-depth explanation articles for each card class in Whizbang's Workshop! Now let's begin!
Thistle Tea Set
- Rarity: Common
- Flavor text: Available with Swiftthistle or Decafthistle.
- Flavor text explanation: Swiftthistle is a well-known herb in World of Warcraft. The flavor text of Thistle Tea Set in Hearthstone jokes about offering two flavors of the tea. One of which is with the familiar herb and the other is "decaf". The wordplay uses decaf as the opposite of "swift" which is what caffeine usually makes you.
Toy Boat
- Rarity: Common
- Flavor text: Try playing seven of these in one turn fast.
- Flavor text explanation: Toy Boat is a popular tongue twister. If you say it 10 times you will notice that you cannot keep pronouncing it correctly and the words fall apart. As you know, you can have only seven minions on your Hearthstone board. This is why the flavor text says that you should play seven toy boats fast.
Bargain Bin Buccaneer
- Rarity: Common
- Race: Vulpera
- Flavor text: Thrift stores have the best buccaneers.
- Flavor text explanation: As you might know going to a thrift store is all about finding the best clothes for the lowest price. Bargains like this are typical for buccaneers who love to scavenge for treasures.
Dig for Treasure
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Troll
- Flavor text: "Woohoo! I'm so glad I dug up a pirate!"
- Flavor text explanation: The flavor text is a direct reaction to the card effect. Whoever "dug up" this card is hyped because it says that getting a pirate means getting a coin.
The Crystal Cove
- Rarity: Rare
- Flavor text: For some strange reason, everyone that hangs out at the Crystal Cove has the same name...
- Flavor text explanation: The flavor text here makes a very funny joke related to the card The Caverns Below. The effect of that card says that if you play four minions with the same name you will be rewarded a Crystal Cove. It seems like now all of those identical minions are handing out together at The Crystal Cove.
Sandbox Scoundrel
- Rarity: Rare
- Race: Orc
- Flavor text: "Really? A bunch of fake plastic gems AGAIN!?"
- Flavor text explanation: It seems like the pirate has been baited with another fake treasure. It isn't really a surprise since she is treasure-hunting in a sandbox.
- Rarity: Epic
- Flavor text: There's a teeny tiny pirate trapped in each of the water balloons. Free them!
- Flavor text explanation: This one is pretty self-explanatory as the art and the name of the card describe a weapon that shoots out pirates. Throwing them at enemies is your way of "saving" them.
Everything Must Go!
- Rarity: Epic
- Race: Gnome, Goblin, Murloc, Plant
- Flavor text: Go where??
- Flavor text explanation: This is a simple joke about all characters in the art and the name suggests that they should go somewhere without any other explanation.
Sonya Waterdancer
- Rarity: Legendary
- Race: Human
- Flavor text: Water you dancing to?
- Flavor text explanation: Yet another funny wordplay that you might have noticed. Since Sonya is a Waterdancer, the flavor text swaps the words "what are" with "water" when asking about her dancing.
Shoplifter Goldbeard
- Rarity: Legendary
- Race: Dwarf
- Flavor text: "Arr, this plunder be great for Cap'n Fourteeth's baby shower!"
- Flavor text explanation: It seems like Goldbeard is not your typical pirate as instead of big and shiny treasures, he is stealing small casual gifts for his friends.
Those are all ten Rogue cards in Whizbang's Workshop! Now that you got to know them check out our other articles that cover all cards from the different classes in Hearthstone and their meaning!
- Hearthstone All Priest Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained
- Hearthstone All Mage Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained
- Hearthstone All Paladin Cards in Whizbang's Workshop Explained