Today, we'll be ranking every hero in Hearthstone Battlegrounds from weakest to strongest, so you know exactly which are the best heroes to pick to rank up in Season 6.
Although your games may vary the latest introduction of Tavern Spells has greatly shifted the meta. Making calculated risks is no longer as reliable due to the massive amount of RNG introduced to the game, making it feel like you have a lot more decisions to make when deciding on a strategy.
This tier list will help you navigate the almost 100 heroes currently available so you can gain the upper hand and pick the strongest available heroes offered to you at the start of the game.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 6 D Tier Heroes
These heroes very rarely have the opportunity to shine as their Hero Power or armor can be quite unsatisfactory.
- Kael’thas Sunstrider
- Dancin’ Deryl
- Patchwerk
- Guff Runetotem

His Hero Power is simply too weak as you need to upgrade your Tavern Tier very fast to get the most out of the buff.
- Sneed
- Tavish Stormpike
- Sneed
- Bru’kan

Varden Dawngrasp
The amount of RNG to get a good freeze on a powerful minion can decide whether you can snowball or lose drastically.
- Tamsin Roame
- The Jailer
- Heistbaron Togwagle
- Jandice Barov

Elise Starseeker
Similarly to Rakanishu, you will need to upgrade your Tavern Tier before being able to efficiently make use of her Hero Power.
- The Curator
- Skycap’n Kragg
- Pyramad
- Captain Eudora
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 6 C Tier Heroes
Although these heroes can be a bit better in most situations, they still have jarring weaknesses that prevent them from reliably carrying your games.
- Rokara
- Mr. Bigglesworth
- Y’Shaarj
- Onyxia

The nerfs to his power drastically reduced his power level, making him quite weak in most matches.
- Galewing
- C’Thun
- Lord Barov
- Captain Hooktusk

Her Hero Power can help you quickly pick up golden minions without sacrificing re-rolls.
- Murloc Holmes
- The Rat King
- Ambassador Faeilin
- Ragnaros the Firelord

Inge, the Iron Hymn
A bit better than Rakanishu, her Hero Power can be quite strong in the first couple of rounds, though the power drastically falls off in the late game.
- Inge, the Iron Hymn
- Maiev Shadowsong
- A.F. Kay
- Y’Shaarj

His Hero Power becomes very weak in the mid to late game as you will be often selling your minions for newer and much stronger ones.
- Malygos
- Nozdormu
- Rock Master Voone
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 6 B Tier Heroes
This tier consists of middle-of-the-road picks that can be very reliable in most matches, however, other heroes simply bring more to the table in terms of strength and relevancy.
- Millificent Manastorm
- Death Speaker Blackthorn
- Tess Greymane
- Lord Jaraxxus

Vanndar Stormpike
His passive Hero Power can help you scale up an important minion that will be worth keeping for several rounds while you upgrade your Tavern Tiers.
- Mutanus the Devourer
- Scabbs Cutterbutter
- Doctor Holli'dae
- Tess Greymane

Edwin VanCleef
You can go for Edwin in games where you can spam buy minions, e.g. Pirates, Murlocs, and Elementals.
- Cap’n Hoggarr
- Drek’Thar
- Forest Warden Omu
- Tae'thelan Bloodwatcher
- Greybough

Although you will need to sacrifice board space in the late game, Ozumat can help you survive and go for more aggressive Tavern Tier upgrades.
- Professor Putricide
- The Great Akazamzarak
- Alexstrasza
- Snake Eyes
- Fungalmancer Flurgl
- Lady Vashj

Dinotamer Brann
A bit niche as you need to pick him in games where you can spam Battlecry minions like Murlocs.
- N’Zoth
- Arch-Villain Rafaam
- Millhouse Manastorm
- Queen Wagtoggle
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 6 A Tier Heroes
Amazing picks with little to no weaknesses, however, there are much better heroes that outshone them in terms of reliability and effectiveness in most games.
- Al’Akir the Windlord
- Kurtrus Ashfallen
- Enhance-o-Mechano
- Silas Darkmoon

Silas Darkmoon
Great early game potential that can allow you to scale up safely.
- Lich Baz’hial
- Cariel Roame
- Sylvanas Windrunner
- Trade Prince Gallywix

Ini Stormcoil
Although it be can difficult in some games to get her rolling, her passive Hero Power can snowball quite fast in the mid-game.
- E.T.C., Band Manager
- Cookie the Cook
- Zephrys, the Great
- Tickatus
- Ysera
- King Mukla

Illidan Stormrage
A very aggressive hero who can allow you to go for early Tavern Tier upgrades and has great synergy with Deathrattle minions.
- A. F. Kay
- Aranna Starseeker
- Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End
- Vol’jin
- Overlord Saurfang
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 6 S Tier Heroes
The best of the best, you should aim to pick these heroes if you would like to rank up more easily.
- Shudderwock
- Infinite Toki
- Queen Azshara

Thorim, Stormlord
Having access to Tier 7 minions can be a game changer, and although you might have some difficulties surviving until you get it, you can utilize the new Tavern Spells to accumulate gold faster.
- Sire Denathrius
- Teron Gorefiend
- Xyrella
- Patches the Pirate

Patches the Pirate
Amazing Pirates enabler, you can very quickly start snowballing once you get to the mid-game.
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton
- The Lich King
- Galakrond
- George the Fallen

George the Fallen
A very powerful Hero Power that can decide most end-game battles.
- Master Nguyen
- Reno Jackson
- Chenvaala