Hearthstone's new patch 29.6.2 adds changes to all three game modes: Hearthstone, Battlegrounds, and Twist. You can see many balancing changes for some minions, spells, and the newly returning Buddies. Here are all the changes coming to the game starting today.
Table of Contents:
Hearthstone Updates
Just a few days ago, we received the announcement of the next Hearthstone expansion called Perils in Paradise. Since the expansion will be released on July 23, the developers are preparing the game with some balancing changes. Patch 29.6.2 is relatively small, but the changes coming soon after Perils in Paradise's release will be bigger and more significant for the expansion's meta.
Reno, Lone Ranger

- Old: [9 Mana]
- New: [10 Mana]
Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (Virus Module)

- Old: [3 Mana]
- New: [4 Mana]
Celestial Projectionist

- Old: [2 Mana] 3/2
- New: [3 Mana] 3/3
Twist Updates
The main changes in Twist focus on moving more heroes to the 35 Health range.
Hero Effect Changes
I am Inevitable! (C’Thun's Passive)

- Old: C’Thun starts in your hand. After two friendly minions die, give your C’Thun +1/+1.
- New: C’Thun starts in your hand. After three friendly minions die, give your C’Thun +2/+2.
Boom Barrage (Dr. Boom's Passive)

- Old: After a friendly mech dies, shuffle a Bomb into your opponent’s deck.
- New: After a friendly mech dies, shuffle a Bomb into your opponent’s deck and gain 1 Armor.
Feral Frenzy (Guff Runetotem's Hero Power)

- Old: [1 Mana] +1 Attack this turn. Usable twice a turn.
- New: [1 Mana] +1 Attack this turn. Can be used three times in a turn.
New Hero Health Totals
The following heroes now have more Health:
- Al’Akir, the Windlord: 35
- Kael’thas Sunstrider: 35
- Nozdormu: 35
- The Lich King: 35
- Forest Warden Omu: 35
- Zul’jin: 35
- Arfus: 30
The following heroes now have less Health:
- Illidan Stormrage: 35
- Leeroy Jenkins: 35
- C’Thun: 35
- King Krush: 35
- Dr. Boom: 35
- N’Zoth, the Corruptor: 35
- Brann Bronzebeard: 35
- Guff Runetotem: 35
Hero Deck Changes
The following heroes have had their decks adjusted:
- Illidan Stormrage
- Al’Akir, the Windlord
- Leeroy Jenkins
- Kael’thas Sunstrider
- C’Thun
- Nozdormu
- The Lich King
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton
- King Krush
- Forest Warden Omu
- Dr. Boom
- Zul’jin
- N’Zoth, the Corruptor
- Brann Bronzebeard
- Guff Runetotem
- Arfus
Battlegrounds Updates
As you know, Buddies have just returned to Battlegrounds and were even introduced to Duos. Now they are receiving some tier adjustments for further balance of the meta. The rest of the Battlegrounds changes focus on some minion adjustments and improving underperforming types.
Hero Power Changes

- Old: [Passive] At the start of your turn, Discover a Dragon. (Unlocks at Tier 4.)
- New: [1 Gold] Discover a Dragon. (Unlocks at Tier 4.)

- Old: [Passive] Avenge (3): Summon a 3/1 Whelp. It attacks immediately.
- New: [Passive] Avenge (4): Summon a 3/1 Whelp. It attacks immediately.
Hero Armor Changes
The following heroes have been adjusted to have less Armor:
- Galewing now has 8 Armor, and 5 Armor in Duos.
- Scabbs Cutterbutter now has 10 Armor, and 7 Armor in Duos.
- Murloc Holmes now has 10 Armor, and 7 Armor in Duos.
- Xyrella now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Rokara now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Varden Dawngrasp now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Heistbaron Togwaggle now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Thorim Stormlord now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Rock Master Voone now has 15 Armor, and 12 Armor in Duos.
The following heroes have been adjusted to have more Armor:
- Doctor Holli’dae now has 8 Armor, and 5 Armor in Duos.
- Alexstrasza now has 10 Armor, and 7 Armor in Duos.
- Queen Azshara now has 10 Armor, and 7 Armor in Duos.
- Onyxia now has 10 Armor, still has 7 Armor in Duos.
- Overlord Saurfang now has 10 Armor, and 7 Armor in Duos.
- Maiev Shadowsong now has 10 Armor at higher ranks, 15 Armor at lower ranks, and 7 Armor in Duos.
- Lich Baz’hial now has 12 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Elise Starseeker now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Reno Jackson now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Rakanishu now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Death Speaker Blackthorn now has 13 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Ini Stormcoil now has 13 Armor at higher ranks, 7 Armor at lower ranks, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Chenvaala now has 13 Armor at higher ranks, 7 Armor at lower ranks, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Vol’jin now has 14 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- Greybough now has 14 Armor, and 10 Armor in Duos.
- The Great Akazamzarak now has 15 Armor, and 12 in Duos.
- The Curator now has 15 Armor, and 12 in Duos.
- Sneed now has 16 Armor, and 13 in Duos.
- Professor Putricide now has 18 Armor, and 13 Armor in Duos.
- Jandice Barov now has 19 Armor, and 16 Armor in Duos.
- Queen Wagtoggle now has 19 Armor, and 16 Armor in Duos.
- Tavish Stormpike now has 19 Armor, and 17 Armor in Duos.
- Pyramad now has 20 Armor, and 17 Armor in Duos.
- Ozumat now has 20 Armor, and 17 Armor in Duos.
- Y’Shaarj now has 20 Armor, and 17 Armor in Duos.
- Kael’thas Sunstrider now has 20 Armor, still has 17 Armor in Duos.
- Cariel Roame now has 20 Armor at higher ranks and 16 Armor in Duos, still has 10 Armor at lower ranks.
Buddy Changes
Vaelstrasz (Alexstrasza)
- Old: [Tier 3] 4/4. Battlecry and Start of Combat: Give your other minions +2/+2.
- New: [Tier 5] 6/6. Battlecry and Start of Combat: Give your other minions +3/+3.
Imperial Defender (Queen Azshara)
- Old: [Tier 4] 2/4
- New: [Tier 6] 4/8
Shining Sailor (Cap’n Hoggarr)
- Old: 3/6. After you buy a Pirate, gain +1/+1 and add a Pirate to the Tavern.
- New: 4/7. After you buy 2 Pirates, gain +1/+1 and add a Pirate to the Tavern.
Acolyte of Yogg-Saron (Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End)
- Old: [Tier 4] 5/4
- New: [Tier 5] 6/4
- Curse of Flesh also now only gives one friendly minion the stats of another friendly minion, instead of two minions gaining stats of two friendly minions.
Dranosh Saurfang (Overlord Saurfang)
- Old: [Tier 4] 2/2
- New: [Tier 5] 6/6
Unearthed Underling (Lich Baz’hial)
- Old: [Tier 3] 3/3
- New: [Tier 4] 5/5
Shadow Warden (Maiev Shadowsong)
- Old: [Tier 2] 4/4
- New: [Tier 3] 6/6
The Nine Frogs (Doctor Holli’dae)
- Old: [Tier 5]
- New: [Tier 6]
Death’s Head Sage (Death Speaker Blackthorn)
- Old: [Tier 5] 3/6
- New: [Tier 6] 3/7
Box Cars (Snake Eyes)
- Old: [Tier 4]
- New: [Tier 6]
Snow Elemental (Chenvaala)
- Old: [Tier 3] 4/3
- New: [Tier 4] 5/4
Lantern Tender (Rakanishu)
- Old: [Tier 4] 5/3
- New: [Tier 5] 6/4
Wandering Treant (Greybough)
- Old: [Tier 4] 2/5
- New: [Tier 5] 2/7
Jr. Navigator (Elise Starseeker)
- Old: [Tier 2] 3/3
- New: [Tier 3] 4/4
Master Gadrin (Vol’jin)
- Old: [Tier 5] 6/5
- New: [Tier 6] 7/6
Sr. Tomb Diver (Reno Jackson)
- Old: [Tier 1] 4/1
- New: [Tier 2] 5/1
Piloted Whirl-O-Tron (Sneed)
- Old: [Tier 5] 5/4
- New: [Tier 6] 6/4
Festergut (Professor Putricide)
- Old: [Tier 3] 4/2
- New: [Tier 4] 6/2
Sub Scrubber (Ini Stormcoil)
- Old: [Tier 4] 4/4
- New: [Tier 5] 6/6
Snack Vendor (A.F. Kay)
- Old: 5/4
- New: 3/2
Mishmash (The Curator)
- Old: [Tier 3] 2/2
- New: [Tier 4] 4/4
Karl the Lost (George the Fallen)
- Old: [Tier 4] 3/4
- New: [Tier 3] 3/4
Watfin (Murloc Holmes)
- Old: [Tier 3] 2/6
- New: [Tier 2] 2/5
SI:7 Scout (Edwin VanCleef)
- Old: [Tier 2] 3/3
- New: [Tier 1] 2/2
Warden Thelwater (Scabbs Cutterbutter)
- Old: [Tier 4] 2/6
- New: [Tier 3] 2/4
Varden’s Aquarrior (Varden Dawngrasp)
- Old: [Tier 4]
- New: [Tier 3]
Icesnarl the Mighty (Rokara)
- Old: [Tier 4]
- New: [Tier 3]
Flight Trainer (Galewing)
- Old: [Tier 2] 2/3
- New: [Tier 1] 2/2
Waxadred, the Drippy (Heistbaron Togwaggle)
- Old: [Tier 5]
- New: [Tier 4]
Nightmare Ectoplasm (Mutanus the Devourer)
- Old: [Tier 3] 5/4
- New: [Tier 2] 4/3
Baby Elekk (Xyrella)
- Old: [Tier 3]
- New: [Tier 2]
Bilgewater Mogul (Trade Prince Gallywix)
- Old: [Tier 4]
- New: [Tier 3]
Akali, Rock Rhino (Rock Master Voone)
- Old: [Tier 4] 5/5
- New: [Tier 3] 3/3
Sparkfin Soothsayer (Fungalmancer Flurgl)
- Old: [Tier 5] 5/4
- New: [Tier 3] 4/3
Veranus, Stormlord’s Mount (Thorim, Stormlord)
- Old: [Tier 3] 6/3
- New: [Tier 2] 5/2
Asher the Haberdasher (Dancin’ Deryl)
- Old: [Tier 4]
- New: [Tier 2]
Mister Chu (Madam Goya)
- Old: [Tier 4]
- New: [Tier 5]
Battlegrounds Minion and Spell Changes
Iridescent Skyblazer
- Old: 3/7. Whenever a friendly Beast takes damage, give a friendly Beast other than it +1/+2 permanently.
- New: 4/8. Whenever a friendly Beast takes damage, give a friendly Beast other than it +1/+1 permanently.
Trigore the Lasher
- Old: 5/3. Whenever another friendly Beast takes damage, gain +1/+1 permanently.
- New: 9/3. Whenever another friendly Beast takes damage, gain +2 Health permanently.
Electric Synthesizer
- Old: 3/3. Battlecry: Give your other Dragons +3/+1.
- New: 3/2. Battlecry: Give your other Dragons +3/+2.
- Old: 4/4
- New: 5/5
Whelp Smuggler
- Old: 2/3
- New: 2/5
Roaring Rallier
- Old: 3/5. Whenever a friendly Dragon attacks, give it +2/+1.
- New: 2/6. Whenever a friendly Dragon attacks, give it +3/+1.
- Old: 2/11. Whenever you trigger a Deathrattle, give your minions +2/+2 permanently.
- New: 3/12. After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, give your minions +2/+2 permanently.
Moon-Bacon Jazzer
- Old: [Tier 3] 2/5
- New: [Tier 2] 2/3
Boon of Beetles
- Old: [2 Gold] When you have space during combat, summon a 3/3 Beetle with Taunt. (4 left!)
- New: [1 Gold] When you have space in combat, summon a 10/10 Beetle with Taunt.
- Dev Comment: It now only summons one large Beetle, instead of four small ones.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where the Metamorphosis Illidan portrait had issues if you transformed after getting certain Health modifiers (like Prince Renathal).
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where the Just Keep Swimming Spellcraft spell removed Stealth from Stealth minions.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Ghoul-acabra's effect couldn’t trigger during the Recruit phase.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Halfu’s the Mighty (Cho’s Buddy) could cause a triple for Cho before passing the generated minion to Gall.
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