In Helldivers 2 we have a weapon for pretty much every situation but we have to admit that some are more superior. Whether you are taking on bugs or bots, you will need to be prepared. The last thing you want to do is end up in a firefight with a gun that won’t cut it. With that in mind, we have ranked all the weapons in Helldivers 2 and put them together in a tier list.

If you were wondering about which is the best gun to take with you in our missions, we have got you covered. We will update the tier list as the developers buff or nerf their content. Please note that this tier list is only for primary and secondary weapons and will not contain stratagems.
Tier List for All Guns in Helldivers 2
We are going to run through all the weapons starting from the worst and moving towards the best. All guns have some use or another but we will be focusing on their overall viability in Helldivers 2.

C-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2
The guns you will find here are at the lowest end of the ranking. They just don’t cut it for the most part. You might be able to find some use in some very niche scenarios but overall don’t bother with them.
LAS-5 Scythe - C

The Scythe only takes care of lower-level enemies and can overheat even then unless you know how to handle energy weapons. Helldivers 2 has so many better options that this gun feels so lackluster it cannot be higher than the bottom of the pile.
CB-9 Explosive Crossbow - C

While the Explosive Crossbow does work if you know what you are doing, it does feel like a bit of a gimmick that is not viable in the war for democracy. Considering the explosions can't even destroy nests or Fabricators, most fans of Helldivers 2 can't figure out how it fits into their playstyle.
LAS-7 Dagger - C

Similar to the Scythe, the Dagger is another laser weapon that doesn't cut it. It struggles to deal enough damage to actually make a difference in combat. The only thing this pistol has going for it is the infinite ammo and might be helpful against basic bugs but truly belongs in the C-tier.
MP-98 Knight SMG - C

The Knight can cause some major damage if your enemy is close up and you have the ammo to spare. The downside is that in Helldivers 2, you should be keeping your distance as much as possible and unless your whole squad is running Supply Packs, you will run out of ammunition almost instantly.
B-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2
Here you will find the guns that are viable in some situations but aren’t good enough to be in the higher tiers. These are not the worst weapons to have in your loadout but there are better options out there.
P-2 Peacemaker - B

There is nothing wrong with the Peacemaker. It does decent damage, it's one-handed and good in a pinch. There isn't anything that great about it either. It's a perfectly fine pistol that doesn't excel or disappoint.
R-63 Diligence - B

The Diligence is an okay choice when dealing with Automatons. There are far better choices but if you prefer running with a marksman rifle then it is worth a try. The damage isn't as good as its Counter Sniper variant but has less recoil.
ARC-12 Blitzer - B

Obtained from the Cutting Edge Warbond, the Blitzer shoots arcs of electricity. It's good against groups of low-level enemies and that is all it is good for. It's not reliable when dealing with anything else so it finds itself in the low end of the B-tier.
SG-8S Slugger - B

While the Slugger can pack a punch, it lacks any kind of adaptability. It's hard to aim and slow to use. It was once ideal to break through fences and other weak structures but now it can't even do that. It can't even stagger enemies reliably. It would rank lower but it does deal a high amount of damage.
SG-8P Punisher Plasma - B

The Punisher Plasma is essentially an energy-based grenade launcher that has its uses when dealing with groups of lower-level enemies. You will have to be careful if the aliens get too close because you might blow yourself up as well.
P-4 Senator - B

The Senator is a heavy pistol that helps conserve ammo with its small clip and low fire rate. However, it doesn't deal the damage you would expect it would and requires frequent reloads. The Senator feels like it needs more work than it should. If you have a couple of enemies up close, this pistol might save your life but that is only one scenario and every other situation will have you suffering if you take the Senator with you.
SG-8 Punisher - B

The Punisher is not a bad option if you are looking for a shotgun but there are so many better choices in Helldivers 2. It packs a punch but is slow to use because you need to reload after each shot.
SG-225SP Breaker Spray&Pray - B

As the name suggests, you will have to spray and pray when using this variant of the Breaker. If the enemy is close enough then you might be successful but you will be at a disadvantage when facing bots that attack from a distance. It does amazing damage and is ideal for moving and shooting but leaves much to be desired. Recent buffs have increased its effectiveness but it still remains a B-tier gun.
SMG-37 Defender - B

Great at close quarters and used with one hand, the Defender is like having a smaller version of the Liberator. The SMG is perfect when you need to be fast on your feet but doesn't have the adaptability needed in Helldivers 2.
BR-14 Adjudicator - B

The Adjudicator is a marksman rifle that works best at close range and when used on full-auto. There is a large recoil and it is overall lackluster but the medium armor penetration makes it semi-viable in Helldivers 2.
R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper - B

To use the Diligence Counter Sniper you are going to need a stable ground and distance from your enemy. If you can manage that and like playing in this style, this marksman rifle is ideal. It has a decent damage output but not enough for it to be any higher than the B-tier.
AR-23C Liberator Concussive - B

The Liberator Concussive is the explosive assault rifle that you would think is a brilliant choice in Helldivers 2 but for some reason, it is always underwhelming. It doesn't deal the damage you would want, has a slow fire rate, and doesn't reliably stagger your opponents enough.
AR-23 Liberator - B

The Liberator is a balanced weapon that is perfect if you are not sure what is going to happen in your deployment. It works well at lightly armored enemies and is reliable at medium-to-long distances. You might find yourself going through a lot of ammo because of its high fire rate but overall this starting weapon will serve you well throughout your playthrough.
A-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2
We are now coming to the guns that you should be equipping more often than not. It will depend on what faction you are going up against but if you run one of the A-tier weapons you should find things a lot easier.
GP-31 Grenade Pistol - A

The Grenade Pistol fires one grenade per shot so you can easily find yourself out of ammo. If used sparingly, you can use this weapon to destroy nests and factories will ease. Each shot can wipe groups of enemies if you aim well so it definitely deserves a place in A-tier.
AR-23P Liberator Penetrator - A

When dealing with Automatons, this can be an excellent choice in Helldivers 2. It is accurate and perfect for hitting those weak spots that will drop your enemies with ease. You will need to plan your attacks well. The Liberator Penetrator is not a weapon that you can spray and pray but overall it's a great tactical gun that can make your life easier.
R-36 Eruptor - A

While slow to use if you can work with the slower movement, you might be able to make the Eruptor a weapon that can decimate your opponents. Each round is essentially a shrapnel grenade that tears through groups of bugs but you will frequently cause damage to yourself before you get used to it.
Obtained from the Democratic Detonation Warbond, the Eruptor can destroy enemy structures. It's worth learning how to handle the weapon but not everyone will prefer it over other options.
SG-225IE Breaker Incendiary - A

The Breaker Incendiary causes fire damage so it's best used against unarmored opponents and bugs. It has more recoil and less damage than the normal Breaker but does deal with groups of enemies as well as it does single opponents. Not the best weapon but definitely a good choice.
JAR-5 Dominator - A

The Dominator can be difficult to get used to but the rewards for doing so are many. It is accurate and destructive but requires a large amount of skill to handle. If you can aim at the enemies' weak spots reliably then the Dominator can become the weapon for you. It is cumbersome but the pros outweigh the cons.
S-Tier Weapons in Helldivers 2
Here you will find the best of the best. In more difficult missions, you will want to run these guns more often than not. Each has been chosen for its viability and adaptability. All of these weapons stand out as the obvious choice for S-tier and you will have heard the most about them.
P-19 Redeemer - S

The Redeemer is the best secondary weapon you can find in Helldivers 2. It is fast and reliable. If enemies start to surround you, then you can switch to the pistol and run to a better position while taking down the faster, lighter-armored opponents.
Unequivocally, an amazing addition to your loadout for so many reasons. Of course, you won't be taking Annihilator Tanks out with the Redeemer but it just might keep you alive long enough to face one.
LAS-16 Sickle - S

Capable of dealing with bugs and bots alike, the Sickle is an excellent choice for your primary weapon. Its infinite ammo is a bonus to what is an overall good gun. It does high damage and has an impressive fire rate. There isn't much that can be said against the Sickle if you know how to handle energy weapons.
PLAS-1 Scorcher - S

The Scorcher is an explosive energy weapon that can wipe out hordes of enemies as long as you keep them at a distance. It doesn't have the best ammo capacity so make each shot count and this gun can outshine any other in Helldivers 2.
SG-225 Breaker - S

The Breaker is the best shotgun you will find in Helldivers 2. It is fast, deadly, and easy to use. Even though the developers have nerfed it and made the recoil greater and the clip size smaller, it still remains one of the best weapons. It is adaptable and viable in most situations and that is why it ranks in S-tier.
That concludes our tier list of all the weapons in Helldivers 2. Bear in mind that this is simply one opinion and you might prefer a gun that we have ranked quite low but that is the best thing about a game like Helldivers 2. We all have different playstyles but this tier list should help you make an informed decision about which weapon you should add to your loudout.
Tier |
Weapon |
C-Tier |
B-Tier |
A-Tier |
S-Tier |