Pure Fiction is the new endgame mode in Honkai Star Rail that offers a twist on Memory of Chaos, promoting different team comps and playstyles. Unlocked at Equilibrium Level 3, it has a different layout and buff system than Memory of Chaos. This ultimate guide covers how Pure Fiction works, best units, impactful light cones, and sample team ideas.
How Pure Fiction Works
Pure Fiction has 4 stages instead of Memory of Chaos' 12 stages. Max rewards are obtained at 12 stars instead of 36 stars. Completing the first 3 easier stages nets you the equivalent of 27 Memory of Chaos stars.
- It has its own 2-week rotation buffs called Whimsicalities that benefit certain archetypes. You can also choose Cacophonies that provide combat buffs based on the Whimsicality.
- There are 3 enemy waves per node with a 5 enemy max per wave. Defeating enemies spawns more, which counts for certain effects like Argenti's energy trace. Your action value does not reset between waves.
- The first 2 waves have weak mobs and Elites. The final wave has a chunkier Elite that is replaced by a boss in Stage 4. You must defeat all other enemies before the boss can be killed.
You have 5 cycles to earn points by dealing damage and defeating enemies. The first 3 stars are at 40k and 50k points, with 60k for 3 stars. There's no "no ally dying" condition, so you can recover if allies fall.
Pure Fiction Best Units
- Erudition AOE DPS like Himeko and Argenti thrive with frequent ults and many weak enemies to demolish.
- Out-of-turn attackers like Blade and Clara benefit from constant new targets.
- Buff Supporters like Ruan Mei and Asta have their auras active far more often.
- On-kill effects like Seele's Resurgence and light cones like Genius's Repose are triggered frequently.
Best Light Cones
The best Light Cones to use in Pure Fiction are high enemy count light cones:

Night on the Milky Way
For every enemy on the field, increases the wearer's ATK by 9.0%, 10.5%, 12%, 13.5%, 15%, up to 5 stacks. When an enemy is inflicted with Weakness Break, the DMG dealt by the wearer increases by 30%, 35%, 40%, 45%, 50% for 1 turn.

Geniuses' Repose
Increases the wearer's ATK by 16%, 20%, 24%, 28%, 32%. When the wearer defeats an enemy, the wearer's CRIT DMG increases by 24%, 30%, 36%, 42%, 48% for 3 turn(s).
Sample Team Comps
First Side:
- Argenti Hypercarry
- Herta Hypercarry
- Argenti + Herta Dual Carry
- Jingliu teams
Second Side:
- Guinaifen
- Himeko
- Serval
- Jing Yuan
- Kafka
- Guinaifen/Serval + Kafka
Consider 0 sustain teams that blitz enemies. Units like Fire Trailblazer can provide just enough support.
Pure Fiction promotions new teambuilding creativity. Less used units can shine, and different playstyles excel. While rewarding for veterans, its easier stages also help newer players progress. Experiment and have fun!