Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked is upon us, and it comes with a brand new battle pass featuring tons of new rewards to claim. The most efficient way to advance your battle pass is by completing the weekly quests and challenges. These quests become available every Tuesday at 3 PM CET. In this guide, we will show you how to complete every Week 2 quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3.
How to Complete Every Week 2 Quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
In the last season, we got six quests each week, but for some reason, there are only five for Week 2 and Week 1. Most of these challenges are pretty easy, but some are a bit harder and take more time to finish. Here is how to complete every Week 2 quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3:

Travel Distance Over Water While Infused With Nitro
To travel distance over water while infused with Nitro, it is pretty simple. Once you get the Nitro buff, you can sprint or, if you are in a vehicle, use the boost button to travel over water. Simply get any kind of Nitro you can, while in a vehicle or not, and travel 400 meters on water. Once the effect depletes, you will need to get another instance of Nitro to finish this quest. Check out our guide on how to get Nitro here.

Damage Players with Pistols
To complete this quest, you need to deal 500 damage to players with pistols. Simply find any pistol you can and start dealing damage to players. You don't have to complete it in one match; it can be done across different ones.

Recover Health or Gain Shields in an Oasis Pool
For this quest, you need to recover 150 health or shields in an Oasis Pool. There are five Oasis Pools in Fortnite, and once you enter the water, you will regain 1 health or shield per tick. Check the image below for their exact locations on the map.
Drive or Ride In Megalo Don's Behemoth, the Machinist's Lockjaw, Ringmaster's Lockjaw, or a War Bus
To complete this quest, you need to drive or ride in one of the Boss Mythic cars or the War Bus. You can get a Boss Mythic car by obtaining the Boss Medallion first and then unlocking his car from its cage. Alternatively, you can steal it from another player who is currently driving it. Check the image below for their exact locations.
Mod a Vehicle With a Cowcatcher or Spiked Bumper
If you are wondering how to mod a vehicle, it is pretty simple. Drive through the Vehicle Mod box on the ground, and you will get the mod you smashed through. For this quest, you need to acquire both the Cowcatcher and the Spiked Bumper mods on one vehicle or different ones. Check the image below to see where you can get the Cowcatcher and the Spiked Bumper mods.
That concludes our guide on how to complete every Week 2 quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3. There are no overly difficult quests this week, but completing them is essential if you want to progress your battle pass. For more Fortnite news and guides, please explore the rest of our website.
- How to Complete Every Week 0 Quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
- How to Complete Every Week 1 Quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
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