Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3: Wrecked has arrived, bringing with it a brand-new battle pass loaded with a plethora of rewards to claim. The most efficient way to progress your battle pass is by completing the weekly quests and challenges, which become available every Tuesday at 3 PM CET.
This week's quests are particularly important if you want to unlock the final reward of the bonus quest page: the beautiful Machinist outfit. In this guide, we'll show you how to complete every Week 6 quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3.
How to Complete Every Week 6 Quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
Just like in previous weeks, Week 6 of Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3, comes packed with five engaging challenges. Most of these quests are straightforward, but a few might require a bit more time and effort. Here's how to complete each Week 6 quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3:

Travel Distance While Attached to a Vehicle With a Tow Hook Cannon
For the first quest, you need to travel 250 meters while attached to a vehicle using the Tow Hook Cannon. You can find the Tow Hook Cannon in chests, ammo boxes, supply drops, drones, or lying around on the ground. Once you have the weapon, there are two ways to complete the quest:
- Attach yourself to a vehicle and spin in circles until you travel 250 meters.
- Start driving the vehicle, exit, and then attach to it while it is still moving. The vehicle's momentum will pull you along. Repeat this process until you reach the 250-meter distance.

Knockback Vehicles With Heavy Impact Sniper Rifle
In the second challenge, you need to knock back three vehicles using the new Heavy Impact Sniper Rifle. This weapon was added in last week's update and can be found in the regular loot pool. If you can't find it, there are two NPCs who sell it for 300 Gold Bars: Artemis (Mount Olympus) and Hope (Sandy Steppes). Once you have the weapon, simply shoot a vehicle three times to complete the quest.

Capture Loot Island or a Storm Forecast Tower
For the next quest, you need to capture either Loot Island or Storm Forecast Towers three times. Loot Island spawns at a random location after the third Storm circle. There are five Storm Forecast Towers, and three of them are active in each game. Each tower has one Boss and two guards. Defeat the Boss, grab his key card, and activate the terminal to capture the Storm Forecast Tower. Check out the image below for the locations of all Storm Forecast Towers in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3.
Mod Weapons at a Mod Bench
This challenge requires you to mod weapons at a Mod Bench. Mod Benches can be found inside Weapon Bunkers or in the basement of Loot Island. Check out the image below for the locations of all Weapon Bunkers in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 3.
Collect Ammo
For the final quest, you need to collect 1,500 ammo. If you don't want to search endlessly for ammo, there's a bug you can use to complete this quest faster. When you open an ammo box and see the ammo on the ground, don't pick it up right away. Drop your existing ammo so that it merges with the ammo from the box. When you pick it up, it will count as newly collected ammo.

That concludes our guide on how to complete every Week 6 quest in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3. Completing these challenges will allow you to claim all rewards from the second page of the bonus quests, including the Machinist Outfit and the Wasteland Rider Glider. If you missed any quests from the previous weeks, check out our guides below.