The day and night cycle has always been an integral part of the Pokémon games. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, the cycle lasts around 30 real-time minutes, with important impacts on gameplay. Certain Pokémon only appear at certain times, so players want to control the cycle. Unfortunately, you cannot manually change the time. This guide explains everything you need to know about the day/night cycle in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
Can You Change the Time in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet?
No, there is no way to manually alter the time of day in Scarlet/Violet. Sleeping at camps only heals your Pokémon; it does not advance time. Changing your Nintendo Switch's clock also has no impact. You simply have to wait for the in-game clock to transition from day to night every 30 minutes.
Day and Night Phase Durations:
- Dawn: 3-6 minutes
- Day: 30-33 minutes
- Dusk: 3-6 minutes
- Night: 30-33 minutes
Day and Night Exclusive Pokémon in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Day Exclusives | Night Exclusives |
Cutiefly | Annihilape |
Ducklett | Banette |
Espeon | Drifblim |
Gallade | Drifloon |
Gardevoir | Duskull |
Kirlia | Dusclops |
Lycanroc (Midday) | Gastly |
Ralts | Grimmsnarl |
Ribombee | Haunter |
Sunkern | Honchkrow |
Sunflora | Hoothoot |
Starly | Illumise |
Staraptor | Lampent |
Staravia | Litwick |
Vullaby | Lycanroc (Dusk) |
Yanma | Misdreavus |
Mismagius | |
Murkrow | |
Noctowl | |
Shuppet | |
Trevenant | |
Umbreon | |
Venomoth | |
Volbeat |
In summary, while you cannot alter the day/night cycle outright in Scarlet/Violet, pay attention to time if you hope to catch certain Pokémon.