Are you playing MW3 and looking to master Kingslayer kills? This guide will show you how to successfully achieve these important kills. Whether you're unlocking special skins like Horangi or completing daily and weekly challenges, understanding Kingslayer kills is key. We will go through the steps to identify and defeat the top scorers in MW3 to achieve Kingslayer kills.

What are Kingslayer Kills in MW3
An Operator Kingslayer kill happens when you defeat the top scorer from the other team. The top scorer doesn't need to be leading the entire time. You just need to beat them when they are at the top of the score list. If someone else takes the lead, defeating them counts as another Kingslayer kill. So, you can get several Kingslayer kills in one game by beating the top players at different times. Keep an eye on the leaderboard to know who's leading. When you defeat the top player, you'll see a confirmation on your screen.

How to Get Kingslayer Kills in MW3
To get these kills, first find out who is leading on the leaderboard and what their skin looks like. The top player can change, so keep track of who's leading. Then, use UAVs to find where the top player is on the map and go there to defeat them. It's good to keep track of the top three players, as they are likely to stay at the top.
Smaller maps with respawn modes like Domination and Hardpoint are good for getting Kingslayer kills. Remember, these kills don't count in private or custom matches.

That's all you need to know about getting Kingslayer kills in MW3. Pay attention to the top scorers, use your skills wisely, and don't forget to have fun while you're at it.