Leather is an important resource in Palworld that is used to craft armor, saddles, and other useful items. However, leather does not generate naturally in your base - you'll need to hunt and defeat specific Pals to collect it. This guide will explain the best ways to get leather in Palworld easily in the early and mid-game zones.
How to Get Leather?
The most reliable way to get leather is by defeating Pals that have a chance to drop it when killed. The following Pals can drop leather upon defeat:
- Chillet
- Direhowl
- Eikthyrdeer
- Eikthyrdeer Terra
- Fenglope
- Foxparks
- Fuack
- Fuddler
- Galeclaw
- Gorirat
- Grizzbolt
- Incineram
- Incineram Noctis
- Katrass
- Mammorest
- Mammorest Cryst
- Melpaca
- Mossanda
- Mossanda Lux
- Nox
- Nitewing
- Pyrin
- Pyrin Noct
- Reindrix
- Ribbunny
- Rooby
- Rushoar
- Tombat
- Univolt
- Verdash
- Vixi
Check the habitat info of a Pal to find out where to hunt them. For example, Foxparks and Melpacas are common around the Rayne Syndicate Tower entrance in the early game zones.
Farm Leather In Early Game Locations
When starting out, focus your leather farming in the Grassy Behemoth Hills where you can find herds of Melpacas, Foxparks, and the occasional Direhowl at night. Even if you don't need leather immediately, it's wise to gather a surplus for future crafting needs.
The area around the Ravine Entrance is another good spot, with Direhowls appearing frequently at night. However, be cautious of other hostile Pals and Syndicates in that region.
Tips Regarding Leather Farming in Palworld
Here we have provided some of the best tips regarding Leather in Palworld:
Upgrade Your Pal Weapon
Upgrading your Pal weapon using scraps can make hunting Pals much easier. The starting Crowbar is rather weak, so aim to upgrade to the Hammer or Axe as soon as possible. This will help you defeat Pals quicker and farm leather faster.
Only Hunt What You Need
While it's advisable to keep a leather stockpile, avoid going on massive hunting sprees and killing all the Pals in an area. This may disrupt the ecosystem and cause certain species to stop spawning as frequently. Only hunt as much as you need.
Use The Right Tool
When hunting Pals that drop leather, use weapons that maximize your yield such as the Hunting Knife or Hunting Rifle. This increases the chance of getting bonus loot like extra leather per kill. Ammo can be scarce early on, so use guns conservatively.
Sell Surplus Leather
Once you've stockpiled more leather than you need, you can sell the excess to Traders for coins. Prices fluctuate based on supply and demand, but leather tends to sell for a modest amount. Selling surplus leather is wise if you're hurting for coins.
With these tips, you'll be drowning in leather in no time! Remember to always check the Paldex for habitat and loot info as you progress further into Palworld. Happy hunting!