While Monopoly GO is one of the most fun mobile games on the market, it can often times be very stressful, especially when enemy players try and destroy your landmarks. Luckily for you, the game provides you with a way to protect your properties, with a resource called a Shield. Using these Shields is one of the most important aspects of the game, being the difference between making money and losing it all. In this article we are going to do our best to explain how the mechanic works, as well as how you can get more Shields in Monopoly GO.

What are Shields in Monopoly GO?
In Monopoly GO players are able to attack and receive attacks to their landmarks from enemy players. Shields are a way to protect your landmarks from attacks, preventing enemies from destroying your properties and taking your money. Shields are also a scarse resource in Monopoly GO, with only a few limited ways to obtain any more. Learning to use these Shields effectively can be the difference between becoming rich and going into bankrupcy.
Skins for shields were also added to the game a few months ago, which players can earn by completing different challenges, as well as by placing high in one of the many Monopoly GO daily and weekly tournaments.

How to Get More Shields in Monopoly GO
There are a few ways in which you can obtain more Shields in Monopoly GO. One we already mentioned is by participating in different events and tournaments. Many of these events will award you with new Shields whenever you reach certain milestones, and by placing high in most of the in-game tournaments. Another way of getting shields is by many of your 'mundane' tasks within the game, such as the Quick Wins tab and Community Chest.
Shields are not a guaranteed award from any of these daily tasks, but you do have a small chance of getting some extras. You will also be able to find Shields randomly placed on different tiles within the game. If you land on any of these tiles, you will receive the Shield and a new one will appear in a new location.

That is everything you need to know about how Shields work and where to get more of them in Monopoly GO. Making effective use of these Shields is truly one of the biggest signs of a good Monopoly GO player. Hopefully this guide has helped you and if you are looking for more Monopoly GO content, make sure to check out the rest of our website!