Grenades pack a huge punch in the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout 76. But lots of players struggle with actually throwing them properly, we know, it's absurd but it is a real problem. This guide will teach you the right way to throw a grenade in Fallout 76, so you don't end up wasting them.
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How to Throw a Grenade in Fallout 76

Before we get into how to throw grenades, let's go over the different kinds you can get. There are a lot of grenade variations in Fallout 76, here are the most used ones:
- Frag Grenades: Your basic exploding grenades that damage anything nearby.
- Plasma Grenades: These use energy damage which works better against strong armor.
- Cryo Grenades: Freezes enemies in place so you can finish them off easily.
- Pulse Grenades: Designed to mess up robots and other machines.
To throw a grenade, you first need to equip it in your inventory. Open up your Pip-Boy, go to "Weapons" and pick which grenade type you want in one of your quick slots.
Now this is the most important part. Once equipped, hold down the melee button (left ALT on PC, R1 on PlayStation, RB on Xbox) to get into the throwing stance.
You'll see a targeting reticle you can aim around with. Let go of the button to throw it where you're aiming.
Grenade Timing and Aiming

Pay attention to how far away your target is and if there are objects in the way of your throw. Aim up a bit higher if throwing far, or adjust around corners and over cover. Getting the timing and arc right takes practice.
Different grenades have different blast areas when they explode. Frag grenades affect a large radius while cryo grenades are smaller. Think about the blast size when choosing grenades and positioning yourself.
When to Use Grenade in Fallout 76

Grenades are awesome for clearing out rooms or narrow paths before going in. Toss a grenade through a door or around a corner to weaken any enemies waiting on the other side first.
Some of the high-level enemies like Scorchbeasts or armored Super Mutants can be really hard to kill normally. Use grenades to do big damage upfront and maybe even stun or freeze them, then follow up with more attacks.
You can use grenades along with your other weapons too! Be creative, for example, freeze enemies first with a cryo grenade, then swap to your best guns to take them out easily while frozen.
Grenades are crazy powerful in Fallout 76 if you know how to use them right. Learn the throwing motion, think about blast areas, and combine them with your other tactics. With some practice, you'll be blowing up enemies left and right! Just make sure you have grenades equipped to throw in the first place.