Fortnite has enjoyed a significant rise in popularity from 2017 to 2023. It continues to hold its position as one of the most popular battle royale games, making others like Warzone and Apex Legends look over their shoulders. The game's appeal lies in its free-to-play model, a massive player community, and high-profile crossovers with celebrities like Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, and major franchises such as Marvel.
With ongoing game development and Creative 2.0 reigniting players' passion for Fortnite, it's natural to wonder: How many people are playing Fortnite as we step into 2023? Is Fortnite on the decline, or is it still soaring? Let's examine the statistics.

Fortnite Player Count in 2023
Epic Games, the company behind Fortnite, doesn't regularly share detailed player count data with the public, making it challenging to pinpoint an exact number. However, some insights are available. For the most current and accurate information about how many people are playing Fortnite right now, it's best to refer to the latest reports or updates directly from trusted industry analysts.
For a closer estimate of active players, we turn to sources like ActivePlayer. According to their data, as of the time of writing, Fortnite averaged about 223 million monthly players in the last 30 days. The peak number of players in a single day reached nearly 25 million.

Remember that these are third-party estimates, not direct figures from Epic. Nevertheless, they offer the closest approximation to real-time player counts available.
Is Fortnite Dying?
With millions of players consistently logging in throughout 2023, as well as the attention-grabbing live events, it's safe to say that Fortnite is far from fading away. It remains a massively popular game, even during its quieter periods.
Although Fortnite faced some challenges towards the end of Chapter 2, players have been flocking back to the game following the release of Chapter 4, which introduced new weapons, dirt bikes, a heist theme, and more.

The addition of a crossover with Dragon Ball Super also generated significant excitement, attracting anime fans to Fortnite for unique skins and cosmetics. All signs point to Fortnite continuing its reign as a leading battle royale game.
So, rest assured, Epic's beloved battle royale isn't going anywhere.