For those dedicated fans who have been part of the League of Legends community for years, the options for spending BE have been limited. Once all the champions are unlocked, players often find themselves with surplus BE, leaving little else to do with it except for purchasing Champion Mastery, altering their account name, or using it for minor miscellaneous purposes.
However, the Blue Essence Emporium is here to change the game for veteran players who have diligently accumulated BE over time. Previously, the Emporium occasionally featured exclusive skins available for a brief period, accessible only to players with enough BE in their accounts.

Now, the Emporium is set to become a bi-annual event, as confirmed by the League developers. This means that players can look forward to it making two appearances in the game each year, starting from patch 13.17 onwards.
Moreover, in addition to the Emporium's return, a massive quality of life improvement is being introduced: mass disenchantment. This feature will be a boon for players who have been stockpiling champion shards, providing a quicker way to convert them into BE.

The Blue Essence Emporium is essentially a celebration for players who have been devoted to League of Legends, amassing a wealth of Blue Essence through countless hours of gameplay. The in-game currency, earned solely by playing the game, often results in players accumulating more BE than they can effectively spend.
While the specific offerings in the Emporium are yet to be confirmed, it remains uncertain if there will be new additions. However, players can still expect some familiar limited-time emotes, ward skins, and other delightful goodies, along with the popular Urfwick skin. With the addition of mass disenchantment, accessing the Emporium and indulging in its offerings will be easier and more gratifying than ever before.