Briar made her debut on live servers as League of Legends' latest champion on September 13. However, her launch came with some challenges. Right from the start, Briar experienced one of the worst win rates in League of Legends history.
With a dismal 36% win rate, it was evident to the developers that Briar needed an extra boost to improve her chances of success. Lead Champion designer Riot August, announced a series of buffs to enhance her resilience in a hotfix released on September 14.
The hotfix increased her HP from 590 to 610, while her ability, Chilling Scream (E), had its Damage Reduction raised from 35% to 40% and its cooldown reduced from 18 seconds to 16.

Although these buffs are not massive, they should provide her with better survivability. Riot August explained, "We're taking a cautious approach here because we anticipate that she will become more potent as players become more familiar with the intricacies of her kit."
This is not the first time a newly introduced champion received a hotfix buff due to poor performance. Both Zeri and K'Sante underwent buffs immediately after their release because of their low win rates. Despite subsequent nerfs, both champions saw regular use in high-level play.

Briar's kit and playstyle are unique and demand strategic decision-making, rewarding skilled gameplay. This is why many players initially opposed a hotfix buff.
K'Sante also had a complex kit, but once players grasped how to play him effectively, he became highly popular. Therefore, players will need to wait and see if Briar's low win rate is a result of players still learning her kit or if she genuinely requires further buffs.