Get ready to hunt for gold in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. The game is packed with collectibles, and one of them is the Gold Balls – seven golden gems waiting to be found. You need to find only one of them in order to earn the 'Gotta Catch Some Balls' trophy, but in order to complete the Akame Network request, you will need to find all seven. Once you complete the request you will earn a significant amount of money.
In this guide, we'll show you exactly where to locate each Gold Ball on the map:

Gold Ball #1 Location:
Here is the location of the first Gold Ball on the map:

- Location - Sotenbori Kiss Shot Billiards & Bar
- Source - You need to earn enough points playing pool in order to buy it from the vendor. The Gold Ball costs 777 points.

Gold Ball #2 Location:
Here is the location of the second Gold Ball on the map:

- Location - Shofokucho Street
- Source - Accept the "Solve the Mysterious Note" mission under Stroll n’ Patrol. You'll find this mission popping up in Chapter 4. Now, head over to the north side of the river and strike up a conversation with the guy waiting there.

- He's got the lowdown on a mysterious note that will set you on this little quest. The note, when decoded, points you to a spot on Shofukucho Street, right by Syoufuku Hotel, where you'll spot those distinctive turtle pillars. The Gold Ball is found in the direction, the turtles are facing:

Gold Ball #3 Location:
Here is the location of the third Gold Ball on the map:

- Location - Ebisu Pawn Sotenbori
- Source - Go inside the Ebisu Pawn on East Shofokucho Street and talk to the vendor. He will sell you the Gold Ball for 77,777 yen.

Gold Ball #4 Location:
Here is the location of the fourth Gold Ball on the map:

- Location - The river around Sotenbori Footpath & Street
- Source - During the day you will find a tourist boat going up and down the river. The Gold Ball is on the nose of the boat.

Gold Ball #5 Location:
Here is the location of the fifth Gold Ball on the map:

- Location - Fighter's Lounge in the Castle
- Source - There is a giant golden statue in the Fighter's Lounge area. You will find the gold ball in its crotch area. The statue might be on stereoids.

Gold Ball #6 Location:
Here is the location of the sixth Gold Ball on the map:

- Location - Castle Street
- Source - On the west side of the Casino there are a few people dancing on the stage. One of them has the gold ball in his crotch area.

Gold Ball #7 Location:
Here is the location of the final Gold Ball on the map:

- Location - Akame Shop in Sotenbori
- Source - Can be purchased from the vendor at the Akame's Hideout. In order to unlock the Gold Ball you must complete the 150,000 yen investment first. The Gold Ball costs 777 points.

Those were the locations for all of the Gold Balls in Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. After collecting all of them you will both receive the trophy and be able to complete the Akame Network request. Hopefully this guide has helped you find the balls you were missing.
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