LoL Patch 14.7 has brought a lot of changes to the game. Many of the dominating champions have finally been nerfed, shaking up the League of Legends meta. In this article, we will take a look at the top 10 champions you should main in order to farm LP for free and climb easily in Ranked.
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Table of Contents
Mid Lane Champs in 14.7

Ahri has reigned as the queen of mid lane for quite some time now. You can dominate the lane by spamming Q and winning trades with the combo auto-W-auto, triggering Electrocute. Don't underestimate the power of your auto attacks! They're crucial, but it seems like many Ahri players overlook them, focusing solely on her abilities. Try incorporating an auto attack between each spell and notice how much smoother the combo feels. Currently, Ahri is quite OP, and there are few effective counterpicks against her. Building Malignance to Lich Bane is considered one of the best builds for her.

With a solid 54% win rate, this midlaner is making waves on the Summoner's Rift. Akshan's ability to close gaps makes him an unstoppable force. His Q provides exceptional wave clearing, a crucial advantage in the current meta where map control is important. It's good to exploit this advantage before the enemy mage powers up with 2 or 3 items. Mastering Akshan's passive is key to winning your lane every time. Utilizing the 3 auto attack proc and the shield effectively will be your go-to strategy in Ranked.

When has Tristana NOT been a menace in the right hands? Her explosive charge will help you get a killer all-in early on in the game. If you really wanna dominate mid-lane, take Hail of Blades. Keep in mind she's a little weaker when matched up with assassin champions. However, she's great against mages!
Top Lane Champs in 14.7

Urgot is still dominating the top lane, boasting a whopping 53% win rate and a low pick and ban rate. These statistics make him an excellent choice for Ranked! With his range, he can easily assert control over the lane from level 1, giving the enemy a hard time. Every item provides Urgot with a significant power spike, even something as simple as tier 2 boots. Many high Elo players one-trick this top champion, so you can check out how they play or sign up for our guides.

She's taking over the top lane again with a 53% win rate! Poppy is making use of a new type of build, allowing her to take a lot of damage but also deal some herself. The build in question is Eclipse to Fimbulwinter, which shines through in Poppy's kit, thanks to her go-to combos.
Jungle Champs in 14.7

He might not be a popular pick but he sure is a good one. A 56% win rate and an incredibly low pick and ban rate might make you change your mind about Ivern. With support items such as Redemption, he can out-clear the enemy jungler easily while also providing utility across the map. Once you hit level 6 he becomes unstoppable, solo killing enemies left and right. The best thing about Ivern is the flexibility you have due to not having to clear camps traditionally and using unpredictable jungle paths.

Good old Skarner finally got his rework. At GameLeap we're still preparing content for the new version of this champ so stay tuned! Using Skarner while a lot of players aren't used to him yet is a great tactic. Take advantage of this opportunity, practice, and improve with this champion!
ADC Lane Champs in 14.7

A classic ADC pick and a scaling monster, Jinx is a force to be reckoned with. She scales freely in the lane and has the occasional global rocket kill to accelerate her item progression. Jinx easily punishes enemies for their mistakes and isn't very mana-reliant. At the end of the day, what's more satisfying than a fed Jinx securing an Ace with just a few auto attacks?

While having a low win rate in low elo, this champion is considered S+ tier in Challenger. This is due to playstyle differences, with lesser experienced players wasting too much mana. Using W on its own, trying to hit an enemy early game will hardly ever work, as it's too slow and noticeable. Hold your E when the fight enters a minion wave.
Support Champs in 14.7

Blitzcrank counters many meta supports right now. The ability to land one hook and either secure a kill or force the enemy to flash is a huge advantage. With a 53% win rate, Blitzcrank can help you gain the free LP you need in LoL.
There you have it, our champion picks for each lane in LoL patch 14.7. Stay tuned for more League of Legends content!