Patch 13.22 Champion Buffs, Nerfs, Adjustments
League of Legends Patch 13.22 is expected to go live on November 8, 2023 as per Riot’s patch schedule. Patch 13.22 will head to Oceanic servers first, with other servers slowly receiving it throughout the day.
Here are the key timings of Patch 13.22 for your server:
- 3 AM PT (NA)
- 5 AM GMT (EUW)
- 8 AM KST (Korea)
There’ll be a few hours of downtime when patching begins, and matchmaking queues will be taken offline about three hours beforehand.
Dr. Mundo goes where he pleases
Riot Devs are looking into buffing the madman of Zaun by reverting some of the changes in the previous patch.
We swung a bit too far on these champions, especially Seraphine for solo lane. We're going to be reverting some of the changes for these champions (in Seraphine's case, potentially doing something else)
Rammus is also getting some love as the beloved armadillo might be seen rolling into meta relevancy once more.
Mage Attack Speed Sweep
A very welcome change as mages have been struggling with weaving in autos into their abilities, this will allow players to more easily CS and stay relevant, especially for champions like Syndra which struggle with maintaining their mana for trades.
For a while now, mages have been taking Attack Speed rune shard. While this is great that players love pushing/harassing, it is more indicative of mages' slow attack frames that have become pretty outdated over time and are an unnecessary barrier of entry to their satisfaction.
Briar can't seem to catch a break as Riot Devs are again nerfing the champion despite her very punishing playstyle and kit.
Graves is also getting some nerfs as this champion seems to be dominating in the jungle.
Kassadin, Nilah, Senna, Ziggs
The late game scaling champions also will be receiving some nerfs in order to make up for the changes implemented in Patch 13.20.
The rest of the champions in this list either benefited directly from 13.20 (and follow up changes) from scaling (Senna, Kassadin, Nilah) or are just strong on the patch and need to be tapped down some.
Tahm Kench gets benched
Tahm has been getting very frustrating to play against as this lane bully is dominating the Rift with his relevancy from an early game champion shifting into becoming an S-tier midgame monster.
The devs are looking into making Brand more viable for jungle and mid as he is currently in a good place in terms of his support power.
Brand changes are aimed at adding power to mid and jungle, but not adding any more to the support. Brand doesn't need to be much stronger in support, so the changes are targeted at mid/jg.
Seraphine will be receiving some tweaks to her kit allowing for a more balanced gameplay and the option of her being viable both in mid and bot lane.
Here are some stats Riot Devs showcased last week.
- Health growth: 84 --> 90
- Mana: 350 + 64 --> 360 + 50
- Attack damage: 52 + 3 --> 47 + 2.5
- Armor growth: 5.0 --> 4.5
- Attack range: 500 --> 550
- Acquisition range: 500 --> 550
- Attack windup percent: 22% --> 20%
Janna no longer gains speed toward allied champions(allied champions still gain 6% speed toward Janna)- Now deals magic damage on basic attack and W hits equal to 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% bonus speed at 1/6/11/16
Howling Gale Q ability:
- Min damage: 60-160 +35% AP --> 55-195 +50% AP
- Max damage: 105-265 +65% AP --> 85-285 +80% AP
- Cooldown: 12s --> 14s
- Cost: 60-100 --> 90-110
- Range indicator will now show both the min and max range, instead of just the max
- Range indicator will now use a halfwidth of 100 instead of 120 (actual missile halfwidth unchanged at 120)
Zephyr W ability:
- Passive speed is no longer lost while on cooldown
- Cooldown: 12s constant --> 8s-6s
- cost: 50-90 --> 50-75
There's probably a mistake here, as it progresses nonlinearly now (50 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75, note the +10 at rank 2 but +5 otherwise)
- Base damage: 80-200 --> 55-195
- Slow duration: 3s --> 2s
- Range indicator: 650 --> 615 (actual cast range unchanged at 650)
Eye of the Storm E ability:
- No longer gains 15% HSP for 4s on applying movement impairments to champions
- Shield duration: 5s --> 4s
- Shield no longer decays
- Base shield health: 75-175 --> 80-220
- Cooldown: 15s-9s --> 16s-12s
- Now refunds 20% cooldown on applying movement impairments to champions
- Cost: 70-110 --> 70-90
It looks like Rioters are looking into reverting the midseason tweaks made to Janna, allowing her to be more aggressive in lane and further influence the bot lane instead of sulking around her ADC and being only reactive.
Janna's play experience has gotten less and less satisfying over time. We think a previous version of Janna that was more W oriented, with higher attack range and some more speed was more satisfying for her players. So we're reverting some of the recent changes and moving her back in that direction.
Community First Impressions
Although players on Twitter are welcoming these changes, some are asking for additional K'Sante tweaks as the hotfix has not entirely adjusted the champion's top lane domination in solo queue.
A good patch aside from no Ksante nerfs (hotfix did nothing)? Wow impressive. You guys also went back on the Mundo and Rammus buffs? Impossible What's next? Reverting pings?
Other players are questioning the lack of Orianna nerfs as well because of her current status of being one of the best mid lane champions.
Imagine not nerfing Orianna. F*cking disgusting champion that needs a hard tone down. Come on man, sort this sh*t out please.
Many players on Reddit are happy with the love mages are receiving.
Wow the attack speed thing is going to feel really good for a lot of the mages mid. Always felt kinda sucky having to take the attack speed shard on champs like Syndra